Module gdascore.gdaScore

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    from .gdaTools import getInterpolatedValue, getDatabaseInfo
except ImportError:
    from gdaTools import getInterpolatedValue, getDatabaseInfo

class gdaScores:
    """Computes the final GDA Score from the scores returned by gdaAttack

       See __init__ for input parameters. <br/>
       WARNING: this code is fragile, and can fail ungracefully."""

    # ar (AttackResults) contains the combined results from one or more
    # addResult calls. Values like confidence scores are added in.
    _ar = {}

    def __init__(self, result=None):
        """Initializes state for class `gdaScores()`

           `result` is the data structure returned by
        self._ar = {}
        if result:

    def addResult(self, result):
        """ Adds first result or combines result with existing results

            `result` is the data returned by `gdaAttack.getResults()` <br/>
            Returns True if add succeeded, False otherwise"""

        # Check that results are meaningfully combinable
        if 'attack' in self._ar:
            if result['attack'] != self._ar['attack']:
                return False
            # No result yet assigned, so nothing to update
            self._ar = result
            return True

        # Result has been assigned, so need to update
        # Add in base results
        for key in self._ar['base']:
            self._ar['base'][key] += result['base'][key]
        # Add in column results
        for col, data in result['col'].items():
            for key, val in data:
                self._ar['col'][col][key] += val
        return True

    def assignColumnSusceptibility(self, column, susValue):
        """ Assigns a susceptibility value to the column

            By default, value will already be 1 (fully susceptible),
            so only need to call this if you wish to assign a different
            value. <br/>
            `column` is the name of the column being assigned to. <br/>
            `susValue` can be any value between 0 and 1 <br/>

            returns False if failed to assign"""
        # following conversion because later the '-' function requires is
        susValue = float(susValue)
        if column not in self._ar['col']:
            return False
        if susValue < 0 or susValue > 1:
            return False
        self._ar['col'][column]['columnSusceptibility'] = susValue
        return True

    def getScores(self, method='mpi_sws_basic_v1', numColumns=-1):
        """ Returns all scores, both derived and attack generated

            getScores() may be called multiple times with different
            scoring methods or numColumns. For each such call an additional
            score will be added. <br/> <br/>
            `method` is the scoring algorithm (currently only one,
            'mpi_sws_basic_v1'). <br/>
            Derives a score from the `numColumns` columns with the
            weakest defense score. Uses all attacked columns if
            numColumns omitted. `numColumns=1` will give the worst-case
            score (weakest defense), while omitting `numColumns` will
            usually produce a stronger defense score."""
        if numColumns == -1:
            numColumns = len(self._ar['col'])
        if method == 'mpi_sws_basic_v1':
        return self._ar
    def getBountyScoreFromScore(self, score, type='mpi_sws_diffix_cedar'):
        """ Computes the parameters needed for the 'type' bounty program

            `score` is the score generated by `getScores()`.
            Currently only guaranteed to recognize the 'mpi_sws_basic_v1' score. <br/>
            `type` is that defined by the bounty program itself. Currently only
            recognizes 'mpi_sws_diffix_cedar'. <br/><br/>
            Returns `(bounty,score)`, where `bounty` is the bounty parameters, and
            `score` is the input score appended with the bounty parameters.
        if type == 'mpi_sws_diffix_cedar':
            criteria = score['attack']['criteria']
            bounty = {}
            if criteria == 'singlingOut' or criteria == 'inference':
                explain = "L is cells learned. (Number of claims with `claim=True`)\n"
                explain = "L is users learned. (Number of claims with `claim=True`)\n"
            bounty['L'] = score['scores'][0]['totalClaims']
            explain += "CI is confidence improvement\n"
            bounty['CI'] = score['scores'][0]['confidenceImprovement']
            explain += "PK is number of prior knowledge cells\n"
            bounty['PK'] = score['base']['knowledgeCells']
            explain += "LPK_one = 1/(PK+1)\n"
            LPKone = 1/(bounty['PK']+1)
            explain += "LPK_all = L/(PK+1)\n"
            LPKall = bounty['L'] / (bounty['PK']+1)
            explain += "E is effectiveness `E=(LPK_one + LPK_all)/2`\n"
            bounty['E'] = (LPKone + LPKall)/2
            bounty['explain'] = explain
            self._ar['bounty'] = bounty

    # ------------------ Private Methods ------------------------

    # The following list organized as (conf,prob,score), where conf is
    # confidence improvement, prob is probability of making a claim, and
    # score is the composite score. The list is in order of worst score
    # (0) to best score (1).  The idea is to step through the list until
    # the best score is obtained. This is used by the MPI-SWS basic score
    _defenseGrid1 = [
        (1, 1, 0), (1, .01, .1), (1, .001, .3), (1, .0001, .7), (1, .00001, 1),
        (.95, 1, .1), (.95, .01, .3), (.95, .001, .7), (.95, .0001, .8), (.95, .00001, 1),
        (.90, 1, .3), (.90, .01, .6), (.90, .001, .8), (.90, .0001, .9), (.90, .00001, 1),
        (.75, 1, .7), (.75, .01, .9), (.75, .001, .95), (.75, .0001, 1), (.75, .00001, 1),
        (.50, 1, .95), (.50, .01, .95), (.50, .001, 1), (.50, .0001, 1), (.5, .00001, 1),
        (0, 1, 1), (0, .01, 1), (0, .001, 1), (0, .0001, 1), (0, .00001, 1)
    # This is organized by susceptibility score and multipliticative factor
    # on the overall score
    _suscList1 = [(1.0, 1.0), (0.01, 0.95), (0.001, 0.9), (0.0001, 0.6),
                  (0.00001, 0.3), (0.000001, 0.1), (0.0, 0.0)

    def _appendScoreToScores(self, sc):
        if 'scores' not in self._ar:
            self._ar['scores'] = []

    def _computeMpiSwsBasicV1Scores(self, numColumns):
        weakCols = self._getWeakestDefenseColumns(numColumns)
        sc = {}
        sc['method'] = 'mpi_sws_basic_v1'
        sc['columnsUsed'] = weakCols
        # compute averages for defense, confidenceImprovement,
        # claimProbability, and susceptibility
        sc['defense'] = 0
        sc['confidenceImprovement'] = 0
        sc['claimProbability'] = 0
        sc['susceptibility'] = 0
        totalClaimsMade = 0
        for col in weakCols:
            totalClaimsMade += self._ar['col'][col]['claimMade']
            sc['defense'] += self._ar['col'][col]['defense']
            sc['confidenceImprovement'] += (
            sc['claimProbability'] += self._ar['col'][col]['claimProbability']
            sc['susceptibility'] += self._ar['col'][col]['columnSusceptibility']
        if len(weakCols) > 0:
            sc['defense'] /= len(weakCols)
            sc['confidenceImprovement'] /= len(weakCols)
            sc['claimProbability'] /= len(weakCols)
            sc['susceptibility'] /= self._ar['tableStats']['numColumns']
            # No claims could even be made
            sc['susceptibility'] = 0
            sc['confidenceImprovement'] = 0
        # define knowledge needed as the number of knowledge cells requested
        # over the total number of cells for which cliams were made
        # likewise "work" can be defined as the number of attack cells
        # requested over the total number of claimed cells
        sc['totalClaims'] = totalClaimsMade
        if totalClaimsMade:
            sc['knowledgeNeeded'] = (
                    self._ar['base']['knowledgeCells'] / totalClaimsMade)
            sc['workNeeded'] = (
                    self._ar['base']['attackCells'] / totalClaimsMade)
            sc['knowledgeNeeded'] = None
            sc['workNeeded'] = None
        # Compute an overall defense score from the other scores
        score = self._getSuscListScore(sc['susceptibility'])
        if score > sc['defense']:
            sc['defense'] = score

    def _getWeakestDefenseColumns(self, numColumns):
        tuples = []
        cols = self._ar['col']
        # stuff the list with (columnName,defense) tuples
        for colName, data in cols.items():
            if data['claimTrials'] > 0:
                tuples.append([colName, data['defense']])
        weakest = sorted(tuples, key=lambda t: t[1])[:numColumns]
        cols = []
        for tup in weakest:
        return cols

    def _computeConfidence(self):
        cols = self._ar['col']
        for col in cols:
            if cols[col]['claimTrials'] > 0:
                if cols[col]['numConfidenceRatios']:
                    cols[col]['avgConfidenceRatios'] = (
                            cols[col]['sumConfidenceRatios'] /
                if cols[col]['claimMade'] != 0:
                    cols[col]['confidence'] = (
                            cols[col]['claimCorrect'] /
                cols[col]['confidenceImprovement'] = 0
                if cols[col]['avgConfidenceRatios'] < 1.0:
                    cols[col]['confidenceImprovement'] = (
                            (cols[col]['confidence'] -
                             cols[col]['avgConfidenceRatios']) /
                            (1 - cols[col]['avgConfidenceRatios']))

    def _assignDefaultSusceptability(self):
        cols = self._ar['col']
        for col in cols:
            if (cols[col]['claimTrials'] > 0 and
                    'columnSusceptibility' not in cols[col]):
                cols[col]['columnSusceptibility'] = 1.0

    def _computeDefense(self):
        cols = self._ar['col']
        for col in cols:
            if cols[col]['claimTrials'] > 0:
                cols[col]['claimProbability'] = (cols[col]['claimMade'] /
                cols[col]['defense'] = getInterpolatedValue(

    def _getSuscListScore(self, susc):
        i = 0
        lastSusc = self._suscList1[i][0]
        lastScore = self._suscList1[i][1]
        i += 1
        while i < len(self._suscList1):
            nextSusc = self._suscList1[i][0]
            nextScore = self._suscList1[i][1]
            if susc <= lastSusc and susc >= nextSusc:
            lastSusc = nextSusc
            lastScore = nextScore
            i += 1
        frac = (susc - nextSusc) / (lastSusc - nextSusc)
        score = (frac * (lastScore - nextScore)) + nextScore
        return (1 - score)


class gdaScores (result=None)

Computes the final GDA Score from the scores returned by gdaAttack

See init for input parameters.
WARNING: this code is fragile, and can fail ungracefully.

Initializes state for class gdaScores

result is the data structure returned by gdaAttack.getResults()

Expand source code
class gdaScores:
    """Computes the final GDA Score from the scores returned by gdaAttack

       See __init__ for input parameters. <br/>
       WARNING: this code is fragile, and can fail ungracefully."""

    # ar (AttackResults) contains the combined results from one or more
    # addResult calls. Values like confidence scores are added in.
    _ar = {}

    def __init__(self, result=None):
        """Initializes state for class `gdaScores()`

           `result` is the data structure returned by
        self._ar = {}
        if result:

    def addResult(self, result):
        """ Adds first result or combines result with existing results

            `result` is the data returned by `gdaAttack.getResults()` <br/>
            Returns True if add succeeded, False otherwise"""

        # Check that results are meaningfully combinable
        if 'attack' in self._ar:
            if result['attack'] != self._ar['attack']:
                return False
            # No result yet assigned, so nothing to update
            self._ar = result
            return True

        # Result has been assigned, so need to update
        # Add in base results
        for key in self._ar['base']:
            self._ar['base'][key] += result['base'][key]
        # Add in column results
        for col, data in result['col'].items():
            for key, val in data:
                self._ar['col'][col][key] += val
        return True

    def assignColumnSusceptibility(self, column, susValue):
        """ Assigns a susceptibility value to the column

            By default, value will already be 1 (fully susceptible),
            so only need to call this if you wish to assign a different
            value. <br/>
            `column` is the name of the column being assigned to. <br/>
            `susValue` can be any value between 0 and 1 <br/>

            returns False if failed to assign"""
        # following conversion because later the '-' function requires is
        susValue = float(susValue)
        if column not in self._ar['col']:
            return False
        if susValue < 0 or susValue > 1:
            return False
        self._ar['col'][column]['columnSusceptibility'] = susValue
        return True

    def getScores(self, method='mpi_sws_basic_v1', numColumns=-1):
        """ Returns all scores, both derived and attack generated

            getScores() may be called multiple times with different
            scoring methods or numColumns. For each such call an additional
            score will be added. <br/> <br/>
            `method` is the scoring algorithm (currently only one,
            'mpi_sws_basic_v1'). <br/>
            Derives a score from the `numColumns` columns with the
            weakest defense score. Uses all attacked columns if
            numColumns omitted. `numColumns=1` will give the worst-case
            score (weakest defense), while omitting `numColumns` will
            usually produce a stronger defense score."""
        if numColumns == -1:
            numColumns = len(self._ar['col'])
        if method == 'mpi_sws_basic_v1':
        return self._ar
    def getBountyScoreFromScore(self, score, type='mpi_sws_diffix_cedar'):
        """ Computes the parameters needed for the 'type' bounty program

            `score` is the score generated by `getScores()`.
            Currently only guaranteed to recognize the 'mpi_sws_basic_v1' score. <br/>
            `type` is that defined by the bounty program itself. Currently only
            recognizes 'mpi_sws_diffix_cedar'. <br/><br/>
            Returns `(bounty,score)`, where `bounty` is the bounty parameters, and
            `score` is the input score appended with the bounty parameters.
        if type == 'mpi_sws_diffix_cedar':
            criteria = score['attack']['criteria']
            bounty = {}
            if criteria == 'singlingOut' or criteria == 'inference':
                explain = "L is cells learned. (Number of claims with `claim=True`)\n"
                explain = "L is users learned. (Number of claims with `claim=True`)\n"
            bounty['L'] = score['scores'][0]['totalClaims']
            explain += "CI is confidence improvement\n"
            bounty['CI'] = score['scores'][0]['confidenceImprovement']
            explain += "PK is number of prior knowledge cells\n"
            bounty['PK'] = score['base']['knowledgeCells']
            explain += "LPK_one = 1/(PK+1)\n"
            LPKone = 1/(bounty['PK']+1)
            explain += "LPK_all = L/(PK+1)\n"
            LPKall = bounty['L'] / (bounty['PK']+1)
            explain += "E is effectiveness `E=(LPK_one + LPK_all)/2`\n"
            bounty['E'] = (LPKone + LPKall)/2
            bounty['explain'] = explain
            self._ar['bounty'] = bounty

    # ------------------ Private Methods ------------------------

    # The following list organized as (conf,prob,score), where conf is
    # confidence improvement, prob is probability of making a claim, and
    # score is the composite score. The list is in order of worst score
    # (0) to best score (1).  The idea is to step through the list until
    # the best score is obtained. This is used by the MPI-SWS basic score
    _defenseGrid1 = [
        (1, 1, 0), (1, .01, .1), (1, .001, .3), (1, .0001, .7), (1, .00001, 1),
        (.95, 1, .1), (.95, .01, .3), (.95, .001, .7), (.95, .0001, .8), (.95, .00001, 1),
        (.90, 1, .3), (.90, .01, .6), (.90, .001, .8), (.90, .0001, .9), (.90, .00001, 1),
        (.75, 1, .7), (.75, .01, .9), (.75, .001, .95), (.75, .0001, 1), (.75, .00001, 1),
        (.50, 1, .95), (.50, .01, .95), (.50, .001, 1), (.50, .0001, 1), (.5, .00001, 1),
        (0, 1, 1), (0, .01, 1), (0, .001, 1), (0, .0001, 1), (0, .00001, 1)
    # This is organized by susceptibility score and multipliticative factor
    # on the overall score
    _suscList1 = [(1.0, 1.0), (0.01, 0.95), (0.001, 0.9), (0.0001, 0.6),
                  (0.00001, 0.3), (0.000001, 0.1), (0.0, 0.0)

    def _appendScoreToScores(self, sc):
        if 'scores' not in self._ar:
            self._ar['scores'] = []

    def _computeMpiSwsBasicV1Scores(self, numColumns):
        weakCols = self._getWeakestDefenseColumns(numColumns)
        sc = {}
        sc['method'] = 'mpi_sws_basic_v1'
        sc['columnsUsed'] = weakCols
        # compute averages for defense, confidenceImprovement,
        # claimProbability, and susceptibility
        sc['defense'] = 0
        sc['confidenceImprovement'] = 0
        sc['claimProbability'] = 0
        sc['susceptibility'] = 0
        totalClaimsMade = 0
        for col in weakCols:
            totalClaimsMade += self._ar['col'][col]['claimMade']
            sc['defense'] += self._ar['col'][col]['defense']
            sc['confidenceImprovement'] += (
            sc['claimProbability'] += self._ar['col'][col]['claimProbability']
            sc['susceptibility'] += self._ar['col'][col]['columnSusceptibility']
        if len(weakCols) > 0:
            sc['defense'] /= len(weakCols)
            sc['confidenceImprovement'] /= len(weakCols)
            sc['claimProbability'] /= len(weakCols)
            sc['susceptibility'] /= self._ar['tableStats']['numColumns']
            # No claims could even be made
            sc['susceptibility'] = 0
            sc['confidenceImprovement'] = 0
        # define knowledge needed as the number of knowledge cells requested
        # over the total number of cells for which cliams were made
        # likewise "work" can be defined as the number of attack cells
        # requested over the total number of claimed cells
        sc['totalClaims'] = totalClaimsMade
        if totalClaimsMade:
            sc['knowledgeNeeded'] = (
                    self._ar['base']['knowledgeCells'] / totalClaimsMade)
            sc['workNeeded'] = (
                    self._ar['base']['attackCells'] / totalClaimsMade)
            sc['knowledgeNeeded'] = None
            sc['workNeeded'] = None
        # Compute an overall defense score from the other scores
        score = self._getSuscListScore(sc['susceptibility'])
        if score > sc['defense']:
            sc['defense'] = score

    def _getWeakestDefenseColumns(self, numColumns):
        tuples = []
        cols = self._ar['col']
        # stuff the list with (columnName,defense) tuples
        for colName, data in cols.items():
            if data['claimTrials'] > 0:
                tuples.append([colName, data['defense']])
        weakest = sorted(tuples, key=lambda t: t[1])[:numColumns]
        cols = []
        for tup in weakest:
        return cols

    def _computeConfidence(self):
        cols = self._ar['col']
        for col in cols:
            if cols[col]['claimTrials'] > 0:
                if cols[col]['numConfidenceRatios']:
                    cols[col]['avgConfidenceRatios'] = (
                            cols[col]['sumConfidenceRatios'] /
                if cols[col]['claimMade'] != 0:
                    cols[col]['confidence'] = (
                            cols[col]['claimCorrect'] /
                cols[col]['confidenceImprovement'] = 0
                if cols[col]['avgConfidenceRatios'] < 1.0:
                    cols[col]['confidenceImprovement'] = (
                            (cols[col]['confidence'] -
                             cols[col]['avgConfidenceRatios']) /
                            (1 - cols[col]['avgConfidenceRatios']))

    def _assignDefaultSusceptability(self):
        cols = self._ar['col']
        for col in cols:
            if (cols[col]['claimTrials'] > 0 and
                    'columnSusceptibility' not in cols[col]):
                cols[col]['columnSusceptibility'] = 1.0

    def _computeDefense(self):
        cols = self._ar['col']
        for col in cols:
            if cols[col]['claimTrials'] > 0:
                cols[col]['claimProbability'] = (cols[col]['claimMade'] /
                cols[col]['defense'] = getInterpolatedValue(

    def _getSuscListScore(self, susc):
        i = 0
        lastSusc = self._suscList1[i][0]
        lastScore = self._suscList1[i][1]
        i += 1
        while i < len(self._suscList1):
            nextSusc = self._suscList1[i][0]
            nextScore = self._suscList1[i][1]
            if susc <= lastSusc and susc >= nextSusc:
            lastSusc = nextSusc
            lastScore = nextScore
            i += 1
        frac = (susc - nextSusc) / (lastSusc - nextSusc)
        score = (frac * (lastScore - nextScore)) + nextScore
        return (1 - score)


def addResult(self, result)

Adds first result or combines result with existing results

result is the data returned by gdaAttack.getResults()
Returns True if add succeeded, False otherwise

Expand source code
def addResult(self, result):
    """ Adds first result or combines result with existing results

        `result` is the data returned by `gdaAttack.getResults()` <br/>
        Returns True if add succeeded, False otherwise"""

    # Check that results are meaningfully combinable
    if 'attack' in self._ar:
        if result['attack'] != self._ar['attack']:
            return False
        # No result yet assigned, so nothing to update
        self._ar = result
        return True

    # Result has been assigned, so need to update
    # Add in base results
    for key in self._ar['base']:
        self._ar['base'][key] += result['base'][key]
    # Add in column results
    for col, data in result['col'].items():
        for key, val in data:
            self._ar['col'][col][key] += val
    return True
def assignColumnSusceptibility(self, column, susValue)

Assigns a susceptibility value to the column

By default, value will already be 1 (fully susceptible), so only need to call this if you wish to assign a different value.
column is the name of the column being assigned to.
susValue can be any value between 0 and 1

returns False if failed to assign

Expand source code
def assignColumnSusceptibility(self, column, susValue):
    """ Assigns a susceptibility value to the column

        By default, value will already be 1 (fully susceptible),
        so only need to call this if you wish to assign a different
        value. <br/>
        `column` is the name of the column being assigned to. <br/>
        `susValue` can be any value between 0 and 1 <br/>

        returns False if failed to assign"""
    # following conversion because later the '-' function requires is
    susValue = float(susValue)
    if column not in self._ar['col']:
        return False
    if susValue < 0 or susValue > 1:
        return False
    self._ar['col'][column]['columnSusceptibility'] = susValue
    return True
def getBountyScoreFromScore(self, score, type='mpi_sws_diffix_cedar')

Computes the parameters needed for the 'type' bounty program

score is the score generated by getScores(). Currently only guaranteed to recognize the 'mpi_sws_basic_v1' score.
type is that defined by the bounty program itself. Currently only recognizes 'mpi_sws_diffix_cedar'.

Returns (bounty,score), where bounty is the bounty parameters, and score is the input score appended with the bounty parameters.

Expand source code
def getBountyScoreFromScore(self, score, type='mpi_sws_diffix_cedar'):
    """ Computes the parameters needed for the 'type' bounty program

        `score` is the score generated by `getScores()`.
        Currently only guaranteed to recognize the 'mpi_sws_basic_v1' score. <br/>
        `type` is that defined by the bounty program itself. Currently only
        recognizes 'mpi_sws_diffix_cedar'. <br/><br/>
        Returns `(bounty,score)`, where `bounty` is the bounty parameters, and
        `score` is the input score appended with the bounty parameters.
    if type == 'mpi_sws_diffix_cedar':
        criteria = score['attack']['criteria']
        bounty = {}
        if criteria == 'singlingOut' or criteria == 'inference':
            explain = "L is cells learned. (Number of claims with `claim=True`)\n"
            explain = "L is users learned. (Number of claims with `claim=True`)\n"
        bounty['L'] = score['scores'][0]['totalClaims']
        explain += "CI is confidence improvement\n"
        bounty['CI'] = score['scores'][0]['confidenceImprovement']
        explain += "PK is number of prior knowledge cells\n"
        bounty['PK'] = score['base']['knowledgeCells']
        explain += "LPK_one = 1/(PK+1)\n"
        LPKone = 1/(bounty['PK']+1)
        explain += "LPK_all = L/(PK+1)\n"
        LPKall = bounty['L'] / (bounty['PK']+1)
        explain += "E is effectiveness `E=(LPK_one + LPK_all)/2`\n"
        bounty['E'] = (LPKone + LPKall)/2
        bounty['explain'] = explain
        self._ar['bounty'] = bounty
def getScores(self, method='mpi_sws_basic_v1', numColumns=-1)

Returns all scores, both derived and attack generated

getScores() may be called multiple times with different scoring methods or numColumns. For each such call an additional score will be added.

method is the scoring algorithm (currently only one, 'mpi_sws_basic_v1').
Derives a score from the numColumns columns with the weakest defense score. Uses all attacked columns if numColumns omitted. numColumns=1 will give the worst-case score (weakest defense), while omitting numColumns will usually produce a stronger defense score.

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def getScores(self, method='mpi_sws_basic_v1', numColumns=-1):
    """ Returns all scores, both derived and attack generated

        getScores() may be called multiple times with different
        scoring methods or numColumns. For each such call an additional
        score will be added. <br/> <br/>
        `method` is the scoring algorithm (currently only one,
        'mpi_sws_basic_v1'). <br/>
        Derives a score from the `numColumns` columns with the
        weakest defense score. Uses all attacked columns if
        numColumns omitted. `numColumns=1` will give the worst-case
        score (weakest defense), while omitting `numColumns` will
        usually produce a stronger defense score."""
    if numColumns == -1:
        numColumns = len(self._ar['col'])
    if method == 'mpi_sws_basic_v1':
    return self._ar