Module gdascore.gdaAttack
Expand source code
import re
import subprocess
import coloredlogs, logging
import sqlite3
import simplejson
import psycopg2
import queue
import threading
import sys
import os
import copy
import base64
import time
import pprint
import datetime
import signal
import atexit
import random
import requests
import functools
coloredlogs.DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES['asctime'] = {}
coloredlogs.DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES['levelname'] = {'bold': True, 'color': 'white', 'bright': True}
coloredlogs.DEFAULT_LEVEL_STYLES['info'] = {'color': 'cyan', 'bright': True}
fmt="[%(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s, %(funcName)s(), line %(lineno)d, %(asctime)s)",
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',
# logging.basicConfig(
# format="[%(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s, %(funcName)s(), line %(lineno)d, %(asctime)s)",
# datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',
# level=logging.INFO,
# )
# for pdoc documentation
__all__ = ["gdaAttack"]
from .gdaTools import getInterpolatedValue, getDatabaseInfo
from .dupCheck import DupCheck
except ImportError:
from gdaTools import getInterpolatedValue, getDatabaseInfo
from dupCheck import DupCheck
theCacheQueue = None
theCacheThreadObject = None
flgCacheThreadStarted = False
atcObject = None
class gdaAttack:
"""Manages a GDA Attack
WARNING: this code is fragile, and can fail ungracefully, or
just hang."""
def __init__(self, params):
""" Everything gets set up with 'gdaAttack(params)'
params is a dictionary containing the following
required parameters: <br/>
`param['name']`: The name of the attack. Make it unique, because
the cache is discovered using this name. <br/>
`param['rawDb']`: The label for the DB to be used as the
raw (non-anonymized) DB. <br/>
Following are the optional parameters: <br/>
`param['criteria']`: The criteria by which the attack should
determined to succeed or fail. Must be one of 'singlingOut',
'inference', or 'linkability'. Default is 'singlingOut'. <br/>
`param['anonDb']`: The label for the DB to be used as the
anonymized DB. (Is automatically set to `param['rawDb']` if
not set.) <br/>
`param['pubDb']`: The label for the DB to be used as the
publicly known DB in linkability attacks. <br/>
`param['table']`: The table to be attacked. Must be present
if the DB has more than one table. <br/>
`param['uid']`: The uid column for the table. Must be present
if the name of the column is other than 'uid'. <br/>
`param['flushCache']`: Set to true if you want the cache of
query answers from a previous run flushed. The purpose of the
cache is to save the work from an aborted attack, which can be
substantial because attacks can have hundreds of queries. <br/>
`param['locCacheDir']`: The directory holding the cache DBs.
Default 'cacheDBs'. <br/>
`param['numRawDbThreads']`: The number of parallel queries
that can be made to the raw DB. Default 3. <br/>
`param['numAnonDbThreads']`: The number of parallel queries
that can be made to the anon DB. Default 3. <br/>
`param['numPubDbThreads']`: The number of parallel queries
that can be made to the public linkability DB. Default 3. <br/>
`param['verbose']`: Set to True for verbose output.
`param['dp_budget']`: An optional overall privacy budget for the attack. For use with uber_dp. Default 'None'. <br/>
#### gda-score-code version check warning ####
process =[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "list","--outdated"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True)
upgradable_pkgs = process.stdout
if "gda-score-code" in upgradable_pkgs:
pkgs = upgradable_pkgs.split('\n')
potential_gdascore_pkgs = list(filter(lambda x: 'gda-score-code' in x, pkgs))
if len(potential_gdascore_pkgs) == 1:
gdascore_pkg = potential_gdascore_pkgs[0]
pkg_name, curr_ver, latest_ver, ins_type = (re.sub(r'\s+', '|', gdascore_pkg)
logging.warning(f'WARNING: You have {pkg_name} version {curr_ver} installed; '
f'however, version {latest_ver} is available.')
logging.warning(f'You should consider upgrading via the '
f'"pip install --upgrade {pkg_name}" command.')
########### added by frzmohammadali ##########
global theCacheQueue
global theCacheThreadObject
global flgCacheThreadStarted
global atcObject
if not theCacheQueue and not theCacheThreadObject:
theCacheQueue = queue.Queue()
theCacheThreadObject = CacheThread(theCacheQueue, self)
atcObject = self
printTitle('cache thread initialized.')
self.cacheQueue = theCacheQueue
self.cacheThreadObject = theCacheThreadObject
if not flgCacheThreadStarted:
flgCacheThreadStarted = True
############## parameters and instance variables ###############
# ------------- Class called parameters and configured parameters
self._vb = False
self._cr = '' # short for criteria
self._pp = None # pretty printer (for debugging)
self._sid = None # for uber_dp interface, a session ID over the attack is needed
self._session = None # also session for the uber_dp interface
self._colNamesTypes = []
self._colNames = []
self._p = dict(name='',
# following not normally set by caller, but can be
self._requiredParams = ['name', 'rawDb']
# ---------- Private internal state
# Threads
self._rawThreads = []
self._anonThreads = []
self._pubThreads = []
# Queues read by database threads _rawThreads and _anonThreads
self._rawQ = None
self._anonQ = None
self._pubQ = None
# Queues read by various caller functions
self._exploreQ = None
self._knowledgeQ = None
self._attackQ = None
self._claimQ = None
self._guessQ = None
# ask/get counters for setting 'stillToCome'
self._exploreCounter = 0
self._knowledgeCounter = 0
self._attackCounter = 0
self._claimCounter = 0
self._guessCounter = 0
# State for duplicate claim detection
self._dupCheck = DupCheck()
# State for computing attack results (see _initAtkRes())
self._atrs = {}
# State for various operational measures (see _initOp())
self._op = {}
if self._vb:
print(f"Calling {__name__}.init")
if self._vb:
print(f" {params}")
for param in self._requiredParams:
if len(self._p[param]) == 0:
s = str(f"Error: Need param '{param}' in class parameters")
# extract the type of interface we are interacting with the anonymization
self._type = self._p['anonDb']['type']
if self._type == 'uber_dp':
# cannot run attack on uber dp without specifying the budget
if self._p['dp_budget'] is None:
s = str(f"Error: Needs param dp_budget in class parameters when running uber_dp attacks")
# Assign the privacy budget as a parameter to the attack
self._remaining_dp_budget = self._p['dp_budget']
# if no session id was set, the attacks cannot be conducted
if self._sid is None:
s = str(f"Failed initializing session with Uber_DP Server")
# create the database directory if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(self._p['locCacheDir']):
except OSError:
sys.exit("Error: Creating directory. " + self._p['locCacheDir'])
# Get the table name if not provided by the caller
if len(self._p['table']) == 0:
tables = self.getTableNames()
if len(tables) != 1:
print("Error: gdaAttack(): Must include table name if " +
"there is more than one table in database")
self._p['table'] = tables[0]
# Get the column names for computing susceptibility later
self._colNamesTypes = self.getColNamesAndTypes()
if self._vb:
print(f"Columns are '{self._colNamesTypes}'")
# And make a convenient list of column names
for colNameType in self._colNamesTypes:
# Setup the database which holds already executed queries so we
# don't have to repeat them if we are restarting
# Setup the threads and queues
numThreads = threading.active_count()
expectedThreads = (self._p['numRawDbThreads'] +
self._p['numAnonDbThreads'] + 1)
if len(self._p['pubDb']) > 0:
expectedThreads += self._p['numPubDbThreads']
if numThreads < expectedThreads:
print(f"Error: Some thread(s) died "
f"(count {numThreads}, expected {expectedThreads}). "
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
def getResults(self):
""" Returns all of the compiled attack results.
This can be input to class `gdaScores()` and method
# Add the operational parameters
self._atrs['operational'] = self.getOpParameters()
return self._atrs
def getOpParameters(self):
""" Returns a variety of performance measurements.
Useful for debugging."""
self._op['avQueryDuration'] = 0
if self._op['numQueries'] > 0:
self._op['avQueryDuration'] = (
self._op['timeQueries'] / self._op['numQueries'])
self._op['avCachePutDuration'] = 0
if self._op['numCachePuts'] > 0:
self._op['avCachePutDuration'] = (
self._op['timeCachePuts'] / self._op['numCachePuts'])
self._op['avCacheGetDuration'] = 0
if self._op['numCacheGets'] > 0:
self._op['avCacheGetDuration'] = (
self._op['timeCacheGets'] / self._op['numCacheGets'])
return self._op
def setVerbose(self):
"""Sets Verbose to True"""
self._vb = True
def unsetVerbose(self):
"""Sets Verbose to False"""
self._vb = False
def cleanUp(self, cleanUpCache=True, doExit=False,
exitMsg="Finished cleanUp, exiting"):
""" Garbage collect queues, threads, and cache.
By default, this wipes the cache. The idea being that if the
entire attack finished successfully, then it won't be
repeated and the cache isn't needed. Do `cleanUpCache=False`
if that isn't what you want."""
if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.cleanUp")
if self._rawQ.empty() != True:
logging.warning("Warning, trying to clean up when raw queue not empty!")
if self._anonQ.empty() != True:
logging.warning("Warning, trying to clean up when anon queue not empty!")
if self.cacheQueue.empty() != True:
logging.warning("Warning, trying to clean up when cache queue not empty!")
# Stuff in end signals for the workers (this is a bit bogus, cause
# if a thread is gone or hanging, not all signals will get read)
for i in range(self._p['numRawDbThreads']):
for i in range(self._p['numAnonDbThreads']):
for i in range(self.cacheQueue.qsize()):
if len(self._p['pubDb']) > 0:
if self._pubQ.empty() != True:
print("Warning, trying to clean up when pub queue not empty!")
for i in range(self._p['numPubDbThreads']):
for t in self._pubThreads:
if t.isAlive(): t.stop() # t.join()
if cleanUpCache:
if self._session: # close the uber session
if doExit:
def isClaimed(self, spec):
"""Check if a claim was already fully or partially made.
The `spec` is formatted identical to the `spec` in `gdaAttack.askClaim`."""
return self._dupCheck.is_claimed(spec, verbose=self._vb)
def askClaim(self, spec, cache=True, claim=True):
"""Generate Claim query for raw and optionally pub databases.
Before anything happens, the system uses the `gdaAttack.isClaimed`
method to determine whether a previous claim fully or partially
matches the new claim. Such duplicates are not allowed and an error
will be raised providing additional details about the duplicate.
Making a claim results in a query to the raw database, and if
linkability attack, the pub database, to check
the correctness of the claim. Multiple calls to this method will
cause the corresponding queries to be queued up, so `askClaim()`
returns immediately. `getClaim()` harvests one claim result. <br/>
Set `claim=False` if this claim should not be applied to the
confidence improvement score. In this case, the probability score
will instead be reduced accordingly. <br/>
The `spec` is formatted as follows: <br/>
`spec['known']` are the columns and values the attacker already knows
(i.e. with prior knowledge). Optional. <br/>
`spec['guess']` are the columns and values the attacker doesn't know,
but rather is trying to predict. Mandatory for 'singling out'
and 'inference'. Optional for 'linkabiblity' <br/>
Answers are cached <br/>
Returns immediately"""
if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askClaim with spec '{spec}', count {self._claimCounter}")
if not self._dupCheck.is_claimed(spec, verbose=self._vb, raise_true=True):
self._dupCheck.claim(spec, verbose=self._vb)
self._claimCounter += 1
sql = self._makeSqlFromSpec(spec)
if self._vb: print(f"Sql is '{sql}'")
sqlConfs = self._makeSqlConfFromSpec(spec)
if self._vb: print(f"SqlConf is '{sqlConfs}'")
# Make a copy of the query for passing around
job = {}
job['q'] = self._claimQ
job['claim'] = claim
job['queries'] = [{'sql': sql, 'cache': cache}]
job['spec'] = spec
for sqlConf in sqlConfs:
job['queries'].append({'sql': sqlConf, 'cache': cache})
def getClaim(self):
""" Wait for and gather results of askClaim() calls
Returns a data structure that contains both the result
of one finished claim, and the claim's input parameters.
Note that the order in which results are returned by
`getClaim()` are not necessarily the same order they were
inserted by `askClaim()`. <br/>
Assuming `result` is returned: <br/>
`result['claim']` is the value supplied in the corresponding
`askClaim()` call <br/>
`result['spec']` is a copy of the `spec` supplied in the
corresponding `askClaim()` call. <br/>
`result['queries']` is a list of the queries generated in order to
validate the claim. <br/>
`result['answers']` are the answers to the queries in
`result['queries']`. <br/>
`result['claimResult']` is 'Correct' or 'Incorrect', depending
on whether the claim satisfies the critieria or not. <br/>
`result['stillToCome']` is a counter showing how many more
claims are still queued. When `stillToCome` is 0, then all
claims submitted by `askClaim()` have been returned."""
if self._vb:
print(f"Calling {__name__}.getClaim")
if self._claimCounter == 0:
# Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected
# answers, but is anyway, so just return
return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do',
'stillToCome': 0, 'claimResult': 'Error'}
job = self._claimQ.get()
claim = job['claim']
self._claimCounter -= 1
job['stillToCome'] = self._claimCounter
self._addToAtkRes('claimTrials', job['spec'], 1)
# The claim is tested against the first reply
reply = job['replies'][0]
job['claimResult'] = 'Wrong'
if claim:
self._addToAtkRes('claimMade', job['spec'], 1)
if 'error' in reply:
self._addToAtkRes('claimError', job['spec'], 1)
job['claimResult'] = 'Error'
if self._cr == 'singlingOut':
claimIsCorrect = self._checkSinglingOut(reply['answer'])
elif self._cr == 'inference':
claimIsCorrect = self._checkInference(reply['answer'])
elif self._cr == 'linkability':
claimIsCorrect = self._checkLinkability(reply['answer'])
if claim == 1 and claimIsCorrect:
self._addToAtkRes('claimCorrect', job['spec'], 1)
job['claimResult'] = 'Correct'
elif claim == 0 and claimIsCorrect:
self._addToAtkRes('claimPassCorrect', job['spec'], 1)
job['claimResult'] = 'Correct'
if self._cr == 'singlingOut' or self._cr == 'inference':
# Then measure confidence against the second and third replies
if 'answer' in job['replies'][1]:
if job['replies'][1]['answer']:
guessedRows = job['replies'][1]['answer'][0][0]
guessedRows = 0
elif 'error' in job['replies'][1]:
print(f"Error: conf query:\n{job['replies'][1]['error']}")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if 'answer' in job['replies'][2]:
if job['replies'][2]['answer']:
totalRows = job['replies'][2]['answer'][0][0]
totalRows = 0
elif 'error' in job['replies'][2]:
print(f"Error: conf query:\n{job['replies'][2]['error']}")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if totalRows:
self._addToAtkRes('sumConfidenceRatios', job['spec'],
guessedRows / totalRows)
self._addToAtkRes('numConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], 1)
self._atrs['tableStats']['totalRows'] = totalRows
# For linkability, the confidence is always 1/2
self._addToAtkRes('sumConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], 0.5)
self._addToAtkRes('numConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], 1)
if 'q' in job:
del job['q']
return (job)
def askAttack(self, query, cache=True):
""" Generate and queue up an attack query for database.
`query` is a dictionary with (currently) one value: <br/>
`query['sql']` contains the SQL query. <br/>
`query['epsilon']` is optional, and defines how much of the differential privacy budget is used for uber_dp <br/>
self._attackCounter += 1
if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askAttack with query '{query}', count {self._attackCounter}")
# Make a copy of the query for passing around
qCopy = copy.copy(query)
job = {}
job['q'] = self._attackQ
qCopy['cache'] = cache
job['queries'] = [qCopy]
def getAttack(self):
""" Returns the result of one askAttack() call
Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order
in which results are received is not necesarily the order
in which `askAttack()` calls were made. <br/>
Assuming `result` is returned: <br/>
`result['answer']` is the answer returned by the DB. The
format is: <br/>
`[(C1,C2...,Cn),(C1,C2...,Cn), ... (C1,C2...,Cn)]` <br/>
where C1 is the first element of the `SELECT`, C2 the second
element, etc. This attribute does not exist in cases of query
error (i.e. bad sql, budget exceeded if uber_dp, etc.) <br/>
`result['cells']` is the number of cells returned in the answer
(used by `gdaAttack()` to compute total attack cells) <br/>
`result['query']['sql']` is the query from the corresponding
`result['error']` contains the error description <br/>
`result['remaining_dp_budget']` contains the remaining differential
privacy budget when uber_dp is used. <br/>
if self._vb:
print(f"Calling {__name__}.getAttack")
if self._attackCounter == 0:
# Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected
# answers, but is anyway, so just return
return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do',
'stillToCome': 0}
job = self._attackQ.get()
self._attackCounter -= 1
reply = job['replies'][0]
reply['stillToCome'] = self._attackCounter
self._atrs['base']['attackGets'] += 1
if 'cells' in reply:
if reply['cells'] == 0:
self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] += 1
self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] += reply['cells']
self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] += 1
if self._type == 'uber_dp':
reply['remaining_dp_budget'] = self._remaining_dp_budget
return (reply)
def askKnowledge(self, query, cache=True):
""" Generate and queue up a prior knowledge query for database
The class keeps track of how many prior knowledge cells were
returned and uses this to compute a score. <br/>
Input parameters formatted the same as with `askAttack()`"""
self._knowledgeCounter += 1
if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askKnowledge with query "
f"'{query}', count {self._knowledgeCounter}")
# Make a copy of the query for passing around
qCopy = copy.copy(query)
job = {}
job['q'] = self._knowledgeQ
qCopy['cache'] = cache
job['queries'] = [qCopy]
def getKnowledge(self):
""" Wait for and gather results of prior askKnowledge() calls
Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order
in which results are received is not necesarily the order
in which `askKnowledge()` calls were made. <br/>
Return parameter formatted the same as with `getAttack()`"""
if self._vb:
print(f"Calling {__name__}.getKnowledge")
if self._knowledgeCounter == 0:
# Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected
# answers, but is anyway, so just return
return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do',
'stillToCome': 0}
job = self._knowledgeQ.get()
self._knowledgeCounter -= 1
reply = job['replies'][0]
reply['stillToCome'] = self._knowledgeCounter
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeGets'] += 1
if 'cells' in reply:
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += reply['cells']
return (reply)
def askExplore(self, query, cache=True):
""" Generate and queue up an exploritory query for database
No score book-keeping is done here. An analyst may make
any number of queries without impacting the GDA score. <br/>
`query` is a dictionary with two values: <br/>
`query['sql']` contains the SQL query. <br/>
`query['db']` determines which database is queried, and
is one of 'rawDb', 'anonDb', or (if linkability), 'pubDb'."""
self._exploreCounter += 1
if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askExplore with "
f"query '{query}', count {self._exploreCounter}")
# Make a copy of the query for passing around
qCopy = copy.copy(query)
job = {}
job['q'] = self._exploreQ
qCopy['cache'] = cache
job['queries'] = [qCopy]
if qCopy['db'] == 'rawDb' or qCopy['db'] == 'raw':
elif qCopy['db'] == 'anonDb' or qCopy['db'] == 'anon':
def getExplore(self):
""" Wait for and gather results of prior askExplore() calls.
Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order
in which results are received is not necesarily the order
in which `askExplore()` calls were made. <br/>
Return parameter formatted the same as with `getAttack()`"""
if self._vb:
print(f"Calling {__name__}.getExplore")
if self._exploreCounter == 0:
# Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected
# answers, but is anyway, so just return
return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do',
'stillToCome': 0}
job = self._exploreQ.get()
self._exploreCounter -= 1
reply = job['replies'][0]
reply['stillToCome'] = self._exploreCounter
return (reply)
def getPublicColValues(self, colName, tableName=''):
"""Return list of "publicly known" column values and counts
Column value has index 0, count of distinct UIDs has index 1
Must specify column name.
if len(colName) == 0:
print(f"Must specify column 'colName'")
return None
if len(tableName) == 0:
# caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the
# class init
tableName = self._p['table']
# Establish connection to database
db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb'])
connStr = str(
f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}")
conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr)
cur = conn.cursor()
# First we need to know the total number of distinct users
sql = str(f"""select count(distinct {self._p['uid']})
from {tableName}""")
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print(f"Error: getPublicColValues() query: '{e}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
ans = cur.fetchall()
numUid = ans[0][0]
# Query the raw db for values in the column
sql = str(f"""select {colName}, count(distinct {self._p['uid']})
from {tableName}
group by 1
order by 2 desc
limit 200""")
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print(f"Error: getPublicColValues() query: '{e}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
ans = cur.fetchall()
ret = []
for row in ans:
# row[0] is the value, row[1] is the count
if (((row[1] / numUid) > 0.002) and
(row[1] >= 50)):
ret.append((row[0], row[1]))
return ret
def getColNames(self, dbType='rawDb', tableName=''):
"""Return simple list of column names
`dbType` is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb'"""
if len(tableName) == 0:
colsAndTypes = self.getColNamesAndTypes(dbType=dbType)
colsAndTypes = self.getColNamesAndTypes(
dbType=dbType, tableName=tableName)
if not colsAndTypes:
return None
cols = []
for tup in colsAndTypes:
return cols
def getAttackTableName(self):
"""Returns the name of the table being used in the attack."""
return self._p['table']
def getTableCharacteristics(self, tableName=''):
"""Returns the full contents of the table characteristics
Return value is a dict indexed by column name: <br/>
{ '<colName>':
'av_rows_per_vals': 3.93149,
'av_uids_per_val': 0.468698,
'column_label': 'continuous',
'column_name': 'dropoff_latitude',
'column_type': 'real',
'max': '898.29382000000000',
'min': '-0.56333297000000',
'num_distinct_vals': 24216,
'num_rows': 95205,
'num_uids': 11350,
'std_rows_per_val': 10.8547,
'std_uids_per_val': 4.09688},
if len(tableName) == 0:
# caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the
# class init
tableName = self._p['table']
# Modify table name to the default for the characteristics table
tableName += '_char'
# Establish connection to database
db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb'])
connStr = str(
f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}")
conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr)
cur = conn.cursor()
# Set up return dict
ret = {}
# Query it for column names
sql = str(f"""select column_name, data_type
from information_schema.columns where
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print(f"Error: getTableCharacteristics() query: '{e}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
cols = cur.fetchall()
# Make index for column name (should be 0, but just to be sure)
for colNameIndex in range(len(cols)):
if cols[colNameIndex][0] == 'column_name':
# Query it for table contents
sql = str(f"SELECT * FROM {tableName}")
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print(f"Error: getTableCharacteristics() query: '{e}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
ans = cur.fetchall()
for row in ans:
colName = row[colNameIndex]
ret[colName] = {}
for i in range(len(row)):
ret[colName][cols[i][0]] = row[i]
return ret
def getAnonTableCharacteristics(self, tableName=''):
"""Returns the full contents of the table characteristics
Return value is a dict indexed by column name: <br/>
{ '<colName>':
'av_rows_per_vals': 3.93149,
'av_uids_per_val': 0.468698,
'column_label': 'continuous',
'column_name': 'dropoff_latitude',
'column_type': 'real',
'max': '898.29382000000000',
'min': '-0.56333297000000',
'num_distinct_vals': 24216,
'num_rows': 95205,
'num_uids': 11350,
'std_rows_per_val': 10.8547,
'std_uids_per_val': 4.09688},
if len(tableName) == 0:
# caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the
# class init
tableName = self._p['table']
# Modify table name to the default for the characteristics table
# tableName += '_char'
# Establish connection to database
db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['anonDb'])
connStr = str(
f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}")
conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr)
cur = conn.cursor()
# Query it for column names
sql = str(f"""select column_name, data_type
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') and
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print(f"Error: getAnonTableCharacteristics() query: '{e}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
ans = cur.fetchall()
# Set up return dict
ret = {_row[0]: {'column_name': _row[0], 'column_type': _row[1]} for _row in ans}
return ret
# Note that following is used internally, but we expose it to the
# caller as well because it is a useful function for exploration
def getColNamesAndTypes(self, dbType='rawDb', tableName=''):
"""Return raw database column names and types (or None if error)
dbType is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb' <br/>
return format: [(col,type),(col,type),...]"""
if len(tableName) == 0:
# caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the
# class init
tableName = self._p['table']
# Establish connection to database
db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p[dbType])
if db['type'] != 'postgres' and db['type'] != 'aircloak':
print(f"DB type '{db['type']}' must be 'postgres' or 'aircloak'")
return None
connStr = str(
f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}")
conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr)
cur = conn.cursor()
# Query it for column names
if db['type'] == 'postgres':
sql = str(f"""select column_name, data_type
from information_schema.columns where
elif db['type'] == 'aircloak':
sql = str(f"show columns from {tableName}")
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print(f"Error: getColNamesAndTypes() query: '{e}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
ans = cur.fetchall()
ret = []
for row in ans:
ret.append((row[0], row[1]))
return ret
def getTableNames(self, dbType='rawDb'):
"""Return database table names
dbType is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb' <br/>
Table names returned as list, unless error then return None"""
# Establish connection to database
db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p[dbType])
if db['type'] != 'postgres' and db['type'] != 'aircloak':
print(f"DB type '{db['type']}' must be 'postgres' or 'aircloak'")
return None
connStr = str(
f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}")
conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr)
cur = conn.cursor()
# Query it for column names
if db['type'] == 'postgres':
sql = """SELECT tablename
FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND
schemaname != 'information_schema'"""
elif db['type'] == 'aircloak':
sql = "show tables"
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print(f"Error: getTableNames() query: '{e}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
ans = cur.fetchall()
ret = []
for row in ans:
return ret
def getUidColName(self):
""" Returns the name of the UID column"""
return self._p['uid']
def getPriorKnowledge(self, dataColumns, method,
fraction=None, count=None, selectColumn=None, colRange=[None,None], values=[None]):
""" Returns data from the rawDB according to a specification
This mimics external knowledge that an attacker may have about the data, and
influences the 'knowledge' part of the GDA Score. <br/>
`dataColumns` is a list of column names. The data for these columns is returned <br/>
`method` can be 'rows' or 'users'. If 'rows', then rows are selected
according to the criteria (`fraction`, `count`, `selectColumn`, `colRange`,
or `values`).
If 'users', then all rows for a set of selected users is returned.
The users are selected according to the criteria (`fraction` or `count`) <br/>
If none of the criteria are set, or if `fraction` is set to 1.0, then all
rows are returned (for the selected column values) One of `fraction`, `count`,
or `selectColumn` must be set. <br/>
`fraction` or `count` are set to obtain a random set of rows or users. If
`fraction`, then an approximate fraction of all rows/users is selected.
`fraction` is a value between 0 and 1.0. If `count`, then exactly `count`
random rows/users are selected. <br/>
`selectColumn` is set to select rows according to the values of the specified
column. `selectColumn` is a column name. If set, then either a range of
values (`colRange`), or a set of values (`values`) must be chosen. <br/>
`colRange` is
a list with two values: `[min,max]`. This selects all values
between min and max inclusive. <br/>
`values` is a list
of one or more values of any type. This selects all values matching those in
the list. <br/>
The return value is a list in this format: <br/>
`[(C1,C2...,Cn),(C1,C2...,Cn), ... (C1,C2...,Cn)]` <br/>
where C1 corresponds to the first column in `dataColumns`, C2 corresponds to
the second column in `dataColumns`, and so on. <br/>
# Check input parameters
if not isinstance(dataColumns, list):
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: dataColumns must be a list of one or more column names")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if method not in ['rows','users']:
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: method must be 'rows' or 'users'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if fraction is None and count is None and selectColumn is None:
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: one of fraction, count, or selectColumn must be set")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if fraction and not isinstance(fraction, float):
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: if set, fraction must be a float")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if (fraction and (count or selectColumn)) or (count and (fraction or selectColumn)):
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: only one of fraction, count, or selectColumn may be set")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if count and not isinstance(count, int):
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: if set, count must be an integer")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if selectColumn:
if selectColumn not in self._colNames:
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: selectColumn '{selectColumn}' is not a valid column")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if colRange == [None,None] and values == [None]:
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: if selectColumn is set, one of colRange or values must be set")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if not isinstance(colRange, list):
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: colRange must be a list with two values")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if not (isinstance(values, list) or isinstance(values, tuple)) or len(values) == 0:
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: values must be a list or tuple with one or more values")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
for col in dataColumns:
if col not in self._colNames:
print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: column '{col}' is not a valid column")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
# Basic input checks finished
# Establish connection to database
db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb'])
connStr = str(
f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}")
conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr)
cur = conn.cursor()
table = self._p['table']
uid = self._p['uid']
# Make the SELECT part of the SQL query
initSql = 'SELECT '
for col in dataColumns:
initSql += str(f"{col}, ")
initSql = initSql[0:-2]
if method == 'rows' and fraction:
sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE random() <= {fraction}")
ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql)
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans)
if method == 'users' and fraction:
sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {uid} IN ")
sql += str(f"(SELECT {uid} from (SELECT DISTINCT {uid} FROM {table}) t WHERE random() < {fraction})")
ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql)
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans)
if method == 'rows' and colRange[0] is not None:
for pair in self._colNamesTypes:
if selectColumn in pair[0]:
colType = pair[1]
if 'text' in colType or 'char' in colType or 'date' in colType or 'time' in colType:
sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {selectColumn} >= '{colRange[0]}' and {selectColumn} <= '{colRange[1]}'")
sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {selectColumn} >= {colRange[0]} and {selectColumn} <= {colRange[1]}")
ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql)
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans)
if method == 'rows' and values[0] is not None:
sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {selectColumn} IN (")
for pair in self._colNamesTypes:
if selectColumn in pair[0]:
colType = pair[1]
for value in values:
if "text" in colType or "date" in colType or "time" in colType:
sql += str(f"'{value}', ")
sql += str(f"{value}, ")
sql = sql[0:-2]
sql += ")"
ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql)
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans)
if method == 'rows' and count:
# need to know the total number of rows
sql = str(f"select count(*) from {table}")
ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql)
numRows = ans[0][0]
# next we get some random set of rows that is certainly more than we need
frac = (count/numRows)*2
sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE random() <= {frac}")
temp = self._doQuery(cur,sql)
# next we scramble these so that we get a random sampling from the random sampling
# finally pick the exact count
ans = temp[0:count]
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans)
if method == 'users' and count:
# get the full list of distinct UIDs
sql = str(f"SELECT DISTINCT {uid} from {table}")
uidList = self._doQuery(cur,sql)
# next we scramble these so that we can get a random sampling
# pick the exact count of UIDs
uidList = uidList[0:count]
sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {uid} IN (")
for pair in self._colNamesTypes:
if uid in pair[0]:
colType = pair[1]
for uidVal in uidList:
if "text" in colType or "date" in colType or "time" in colType:
sql += str(f"'{uidVal[0]}', ")
sql += str(f"{uidVal[0]}, ")
sql = sql[0:-2]
sql += ")"
ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql)
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans)
return None
#def getPriorKnowledge(self, dataColumns, method,
#fraction=None, count=None, selectColumn=None, colRange=[None,None], values=[None]):
# -------------- Private Methods -------------------
def _doQuery(self,cur,sql):
except psycopg2.Error as e:
print(f"Error: getPublicColValues() query: '{e}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
ans = cur.fetchall()
return ans
def _cleanPasswords(self):
if 'attack' in self._atrs:
if ('anonDb' in self._atrs['attack'] and
'password' in self._atrs['attack']['anonDb']):
self._atrs['attack']['anonDb']['password'] = 'xxxxxxx'
if ('rawDb' in self._atrs['attack'] and
'password' in self._atrs['attack']['rawDb']):
self._atrs['attack']['rawDb']['password'] = 'xxxxxxx'
if ('pubDb' in self._atrs['attack'] and
'password' in self._atrs['attack']['pubDb']):
self._atrs['attack']['pubDb']['password'] = 'xxxxxxx'
def _assignGlobalParams(self, params):
self._pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
for key, val in params.items():
self._p[key] = val
# assign verbose value to a smaller variable name
if key == "verbose":
if val != False:
self._vb = True
# Check criteria
if key == "criteria":
if (val == 'singlingOut' or val == 'inference' or
val == 'linkability'):
self._cr = val
print("""Error: criteria must be one of 'singlingOut',
'inference', or 'linkability'""")
def _setupLocalCacheDB(self):
path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db"
conn = sqlite3.connect(path)
cur = conn.cursor()
if self._p['flushCache'] == True:
if self._vb: print(f" cache DB: {sql}")
(qid text primary key, answer text)"""
if self._vb: print(f" cache DB: {sql}")
# conn.commit()
cur.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;")
# conn.commit()
def _removeLocalCacheDB(self):
path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db"
max_attempts = 5
attempt = 0
removeFlag = False
_ex = None
if os.path.exists(path):
while attempt <= max_attempts:
attempt += 1
removeFlag = True
except Exception as ex:
_ex = ex
removeFlag = False
if not removeFlag:
logging.error(f"cache db removing error after {attempt} attempts.\n"
f"ERROR: Failed to remove cache DB {path} => ex: {_ex}")
else:"cache db removed successfully after {attempt} attempt(s).")
def removeLocalCacheDBWrapper(self):
return self._removeLocalCacheDB()
def _setupThreadsAndQueues(self):
self._anonThreads = []
self._rawThreads = []
self._pubThreads = []
self._exploreQ = queue.Queue()
self._knowledgeQ = queue.Queue()
self._attackQ = queue.Queue()
self._claimQ = queue.Queue()
self._guessQ = queue.Queue()
self._rawQ = queue.Queue()
if self._cr == 'linkability':
self._pubQ = queue.Queue()
self._anonQ = queue.Queue()
backQ = queue.Queue()
for i in range(self._p['numRawDbThreads']):
d = dict(db=self._p['rawDb'], q=self._rawQ,
kind='raw', backQ=backQ)
t = EnhancedThread(target=self._dbWorker, kwargs=d)
for i in range(self._p['numAnonDbThreads']):
d = dict(db=self._p['anonDb'], q=self._anonQ,
kind='anon', backQ=backQ)
t = EnhancedThread(target=self._dbWorker, kwargs=d)
if self._cr == 'linkability':
for i in range(self._p['numPubDbThreads']):
d = dict(db=self._p['pubDb'], q=self._pubQ,
kind='pub', backQ=backQ)
t = EnhancedThread(target=self._dbWorker, kwargs=d)
num = (self._p['numRawDbThreads'] + self._p['numAnonDbThreads'])
if self._cr == 'linkability':
num += self._p['numPubDbThreads']
# Make sure all the worker threads are ready
for i in range(num):
msg = backQ.get()
if self._vb: print(f"{msg} is ready")
def _dbWorker(self, db, q, kind, backQ):
# uber dp has a different interface than aircloak or postgres
if db['type'] == 'uber_dp':
if self._vb: print(f"Starting {__name__}.serverWorker:{db, kind}")
me = threading.current_thread()
while True:
jobOrig = q.get()
if jobOrig is None:
if self._vb:
print(f" {me}: serverWorker done {db, kind}")
# make a copy for passing around
job = copy.copy(jobOrig)
replyQ = job['q']
replies = [] # holds all the reply dicts
for query in job['queries']:
reply = self._processUberQuery(query)
job['replies'] = replies
elif db['type'] == 'aircloak' or db['type'] == 'postgres':
if self._vb: print(f"Starting {__name__}.dbWorker:{db, kind}")
me = threading.current_thread()
d = getDatabaseInfo(db)
# Establish connection to database
connStr = str(
f"host={d['host']} port={d['port']} dbname={d['dbname']} user={d['user']} password={d['password']}")
if self._vb: print(f" {me}: Connect to DB with DSN '{connStr}'")
conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr)
cur = conn.cursor()
# Establish connection to local cache
path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db"
# Set timeout low so that we don't spend a lot of time inserting
# into the cache in case it gets overloaded
connInsert = sqlite3.connect(path, timeout=0.1)
curInsert = connInsert.cursor()
connRead = sqlite3.connect(path)
curRead = connRead.cursor()
while True:
if isinstance(me, EnhancedThread) and me.stopped():' > {me.getName()} stopped.')
jobOrig = q.get(block=True, timeout=3)
except queue.Empty:
if jobOrig is None:
if self._vb: print(f" {me}: dbWorker done {db, kind}")
# make a copy for passing around
job = copy.copy(jobOrig)
replyQ = job['q']
replies = []
for query in job['queries']:
reply = self._processQuery(query, conn, cur,
connInsert, curInsert, curRead)
job['replies'] = replies
def _processUberQuery(self, query):
# Once the session ID is defined, we stay in that session
# ONLY `epsilon` and the `query` can be set
# `budget` and `dbname` just have placeholders because they cannot be changed anyways
request = {
'query': query['sql'],
'epsilon': str(query['epsilon']),
'count' : '1', # the interface is designed in a way such that repeted attacks need to be triggered
# by several askAttack(), getAttack(). Therefore, the server functionality to potentially execute the same
# query several times is not used
'budget': 'None',
'dbname': 'None',
'sid': self._sid
start = time.perf_counter() # store the time of query execution
url = self._p['anonDb']['host']
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'} # Headers to be sent in the client request
# Client stores the response sent by the
response = requests.get(url, json=request, headers=headers, timeout=100, verify=True)
resp = response.json() # Convert response sent by server to JSON
if self._vb:
print("Server response for the given query: ")
if 'Error' in resp['Server Response']:
# If budget exceeded, we do not provide an answer field in the reply
if 'Budget Exceeded' in resp['Server Response']['Error']:
print("This query does exceed the remaining privacy budget for your attack.")
print("Your remaining budget is "+str(self._remaining_dp_budget)+", the query would need "+str(query['epsilon'])+".")
reply = dict(error='Budget Exceeded')
# if the query went through, we can deduct its privay consumption to keep track internally
self._remaining_dp_budget -= query['epsilon']
# the answer of dp queries is a single value (as it computes the aggregate over several query rows)
# to match the format needed to compute number of cells, we still need two dimensions
# therefore, [[]]
ans = [[float((resp['Server Response']['Result']))]]# record the answer and append it as a 1-element list of float
# for statistics. Only makes sense to count query if it went through
self._op['numQueries'] += 1
# after all for loops find the shape of the resulting answers
numCells = self._computeNumCells(ans)
# format the reply similarly as for aircloak and postgres
reply = dict(answer=ans, cells=numCells)
except requests.ConnectionError as e:
print("Connection Error. Make sure you are connected to Internet.")
except requests.Timeout as e:
print("Timeout Error")
except requests.RequestException as e:
print("General Error")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Program closed")
reply['query'] = query
# calculate the time we needed for the query
end = time.perf_counter()
duration = end - start
self._op['timeQueries'] += duration
return reply
def _processQuery(self, query, conn, cur, connInsert, curInsert, curRead, queryType='db'):
# record and remove the return queue
# queryType specifies if we are asking the queries from a db (aircloak, postgres)
# or from a server, like uber_dp
if queryType == 'server':
elif queryType == 'db':
cache = query['cache']
del query['cache']
# Check the cache for the answer
# Note that at this point query is a dict
# containing the sql, the db (raw, anon, or pub),
# and any tags that the source added
cachedReply = None
if cache:
cachedReply = self._getCache(curRead, query)
if cachedReply:
if self._vb: print(" Answer from cache")
if 'answer' in cachedReply:
numCells = self._computeNumCells(cachedReply['answer'])
cachedReply['cells'] = numCells
return cachedReply
start = time.perf_counter()
except psycopg2.Error as e:
reply = dict(error=e.pgerror)
ans = cur.fetchall()
numCells = self._computeNumCells(ans)
reply = dict(answer=ans, cells=numCells)
end = time.perf_counter()
duration = end - start
self._op['numQueries'] += 1
self._op['timeQueries'] += duration
reply['query'] = query
# only cache if the native query is slow
if duration > 0.1:
# self._putCache(connInsert, curInsert, query, reply)
self.cacheQueue.put([connInsert, curInsert, query, reply])
return reply
def _checkInference(self, ans):
# column 0 must be UID
# User is inferred if all users in answer have same attributes
# Returns 1 if inference claim correct, else returns 0
if len(ans) == 0:
return 0
numRows = len(ans)
numColumns = len(ans[0])
if numColumns < 2:
# Can't test inference unless there is at least one column
# (other than UID) that is the same
return 0
for c in range(1, numColumns):
val = ans[0][c]
for r in range(1, numRows):
if val != ans[r][c]:
return 0
return 1
def _checkLinkability(self, ans):
# The test is the same as with singling out
# Returns 1 if linkability claim correct, else returns 0
return self._checkSinglingOut(ans)
def _checkSinglingOut(self, ans):
# column 0 must be UID
# User is singled-out if there is only one distinct UID
# Returns 1 if singling out claim correct, else returns 0
if len(ans) == 0:
return 0
uids = {}
for row in ans:
uids[row[0]] = 1
numUids = len(uids)
if numUids == 1:
return 1
return 0
def _computeNumCells(self, ans):
# ans is a list of tuples [(x,y),(x,y),(x,y) ...
# Count the number of columns (in the first row)
if len(ans) == 0:
return 0
numColumns = len(ans[0])
numRows = len(ans)
numCells = numColumns * numRows
return numCells
def _doParamChecks(self):
dbInfoRaw = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb'])
if not dbInfoRaw:
sys.exit('rawDb now found in database config')
if len(self._p['anonDb']) == 0:
self._p['anonDb'] = self._p['rawDb']
dbInfoAnon = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['anonDb'])
if not dbInfoAnon:
sys.exit('anonDb not found in database config')
if self._cr == 'linkability':
dbInfo = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['pubDb'])
if not dbInfo:
sys.exit('Must specify pubDb if criteria is linkability')
numThreads = self._p['numRawDbThreads'] + self._p['numAnonDbThreads']
if self._cr == 'linkability':
numThreads += self._p['numPubDbThreads']
if numThreads > 50:
sys.exit("Error: Can't have more than 50 threads total")
def _getCache(self, cur, query):
path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db"
my_conn = sqlite3.connect(path, timeout=0.1)
my_cur = my_conn.cursor()
# turn the query (dict) into a string
qStr = self._dict2Str(query)
if qStr is None:
return None
sql = str(f"SELECT answer FROM tab where qid = '{qStr}'")
if self._vb: print(f" cache DB: {sql}")
start = time.perf_counter()
for z in range(1,11):
# cur.execute(sql)
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
# database is locked
if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb:
logging.warning(f'>> reading from cache DB: {z} attempt(s). Coming next try '
err = e
except (sqlite3.Error, Exception) as e:
if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb:
logging.warning(f"getCache error '{e.args[0]}' attempt: {z}. Coming next try "
err = e
if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb:
logging.error(f'>> could not read from cache DB >> ERROR: {err}')
return None
end = time.perf_counter()
self._op['numCacheGets'] += 1
self._op['timeCacheGets'] += (end - start)
# answer = cur.fetchone() # frzmohammadali just to remember my stupidest bug ever
answer = my_cur.fetchone()
if not answer:
return None
rtnDict = self._str2Dict(answer[0])
return rtnDict
def _putCache(self, conn, cur, query, reply):
# turn the query and reply (dict) into a string
# Establish connection to local cache
path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db"
qStr = self._dict2Str(query)
if qStr is None:
rStr = self._dict2Str(reply)
if rStr is None:
sql = str(f"INSERT INTO tab VALUES ('{qStr}','{rStr}')")
if self._vb: print(f" cache DB: {sql}")
start = time.perf_counter()
err = None
for z in range(10):
# cur.execute(sql)
# conn.commit()
my_conn = sqlite3.connect(path, timeout=0.1)
my_cur = my_conn.cursor()
except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e:
if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb:
logging.warning(f"putCache error [qid exists in cached queries] '{e.args[0]}' ")
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
# database is locked
if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb:
logging.warning(f"putCache attempt: {z}. Coming next try "
err = e
except (sqlite3.Error, Exception) as e:
if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb:
logging.warning(f"putCache error '{e.args[0]}' attempt: {z}. Coming next try "
err = e
if my_cur:
if my_conn:
except sqlite3.ProgrammingError:
# cursor and connection is already closed
# raise err
if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb:
logging.error(f'>> could not insert into cache DB >> ERROR: {err}')
end = time.perf_counter()
self._op['numCachePuts'] += 1
self._op['timeCachePuts'] += (end - start)
def putCacheWrapper(self, conn, cur, query, reply):
self._putCache(conn, cur, query, reply)
def _dict2Str(self, d):
dStr = simplejson.dumps(d)
except TypeError:
print("simpleJson failed")
return None
dByte = str.encode(dStr)
dByte64 = base64.b64encode(dByte)
dByte64Str = str(dByte64, "utf-8")
except MemoryError:
print("str(dByte64) failed")
return None
return dByte64Str
def _str2Dict(self, dByte64Str):
dByte64 = str.encode(dByte64Str)
dByte = base64.b64decode(dByte64)
dStr = str(dByte, "utf-8")
d = simplejson.loads(dStr)
return d
def _makeSqlFromSpec(self, spec):
sql = "select "
if 'known' in spec:
numKnown = len(spec['known'])
numKnown = 0
if 'guess' in spec:
numGuess = len(spec['guess'])
numGuess = 0
if self._cr == 'inference':
sql += str(f"{self._p['uid']}, ")
for i in range(numGuess):
sql += str(f"{spec['guess'][i]['col']}")
if i == (numGuess - 1):
sql += " "
sql += ", "
sql += str(f"from {self._p['table']} ")
if numKnown:
sql += "where "
for i in range(numKnown):
sql += str(f"{spec['known'][i]['col']} = ")
sql += str(f"'{spec['known'][i]['val']}' ")
if i == (numKnown - 1):
sql += " "
sql += "and "
elif self._cr == 'singlingOut' or self._cr == 'linkability':
sql += str(f"{self._p['uid']} from {self._p['table']} where ")
for i in range(numKnown):
sql += str(f"{spec['known'][i]['col']} = ")
sql += str(f"'{spec['known'][i]['val']}' and ")
for i in range(numGuess):
sql += str(f"{spec['guess'][i]['col']} = ")
sql += str(f"'{spec['guess'][i]['val']}' ")
if i == (numGuess - 1):
sql += " "
sql += "and "
return sql
def _makeSqlConfFromSpec(self, spec):
sqls = []
numGuess = len(spec['guess'])
if self._cr == 'inference' or self._cr == 'singlingOut':
sql = str(f"select count(distinct {self._p['uid']}) from {self._p['table']} where ")
# This first sql learns the number of rows matching the
# guessed values
for i in range(numGuess):
sql += str(f"{spec['guess'][i]['col']} = ")
sql += str(f"'{spec['guess'][i]['val']}'")
if i != (numGuess - 1):
sql += " and "
# This second sql learns the total number of rows (should
# normally be a cached result)
sql = str(f"select count(distinct {self._p['uid']}) from {self._p['table']}")
elif self._cr == 'linkability':
# nothing happens for linkability
return sqls
def _addToAtkRes(self, label, spec, val):
"""Adds the value to each column in the guess"""
for tup in spec['guess']:
col = tup['col']
if col not in self._atrs['col']:
print(f"Error: addToAtkRes(): Bad column in spec: '{col}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
if label not in self._atrs['col'][col]:
print(f"Error: addToAtkRes(): Bad label '{label}'")
self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True)
self._atrs['col'][col][label] += val
def _initAtkRes(self):
self._atrs = {}
self._atrs['attack'] = {}
self._atrs['base'] = {}
self._atrs['tableStats'] = {}
self._atrs['col'] = {}
# ----- Attack parameters
self._atrs['attack']['attackName'] = self._p['name']
self._atrs['attack']['rawDb'] = self._p['rawDb']
self._atrs['attack']['anonDb'] = self._p['anonDb']
if self._cr == 'linkability':
self._atrs['attack']['pubDb'] = self._p['anonDb']
self._atrs['attack']['criteria'] = self._p['criteria']
self._atrs['attack']['table'] = self._p['table']
# add parameters for the database machine itself
db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb'])
self._atrs['attack']['rawHost'] = db['host']
self._atrs['attack']['rawDbName'] = db['dbname']
self._atrs['attack']['rawPort'] = db['port']
if self._cr == 'linkability':
db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['pubDb'])
self._atrs['attack']['pubHost'] = db['host']
self._atrs['attack']['pubDbName'] = db['dbname']
self._atrs['attack']['pubPort'] = db['port']
db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['anonDb'])
self._atrs['attack']['anonHost'] = db['host']
self._atrs['attack']['anonDbName'] = db['dbname']
self._atrs['attack']['anonPort'] = db['port']
# and a timestamp
self._atrs['attack']['startTime'] = str(
# ----- Params for computing knowledge:
# number of prior knowledge cells requested
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] = 0
# number of times knowledge was queried
self._atrs['base']['knowledgeGets'] = 0
# ----- Params for computing how much work needed to attack:
# number of attack cells requested
self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] = 0
# number of times attack was queried
self._atrs['base']['attackGets'] = 0
self._atrs['tableStats']['colNamesAndTypes'] = self._colNamesTypes
self._atrs['tableStats']['numColumns'] = len(self._colNamesTypes)
for tup in self._colNamesTypes:
col = tup[0]
if self._vb: print(f"initAtkRes() init column '{col}'")
self._atrs['col'][col] = {}
# ----- Params for computing claim success rate:
# total possible number of claims
self._atrs['col'][col]['claimTrials'] = 0
# actual number of claims
self._atrs['col'][col]['claimMade'] = 0
# number of correct claims
self._atrs['col'][col]['claimCorrect'] = 0
# number of claims that produced bad SQL answer
self._atrs['col'][col]['claimError'] = 0
# claims where the attacker chose to pass (not make a claim),
# but where the claim would have been correct
self._atrs['col'][col]['claimPassCorrect'] = 0
# ----- Params for computing confidence:
# sum of all known count to full count ratios
self._atrs['col'][col]['sumConfidenceRatios'] = 0
# number of such ratios
self._atrs['col'][col]['numConfidenceRatios'] = 0
# average confidence ratio (division of above two params)
self._atrs['col'][col]['avgConfidenceRatios'] = 0
def _initOp(self):
self._op['numQueries'] = 0
self._op['timeQueries'] = 0
self._op['numCachePuts'] = 0
self._op['timeCachePuts'] = 0
self._op['numCacheGets'] = 0
self._op['timeCacheGets'] = 0
def _initCounters(self):
self._exploreCounter = 0
self._knowledgeCounter = 0
self._attackCounter = 0
self._claimCounter = 0
self._guessCounter = 0
def _initUberDPSession(self):
# Client establishes a session
session = requests.Session()
session.get_orig, session.get = session.get, functools.partial(session.get, timeout=20)
# remember the session to close it if necessary
self._session = session
# function to initialize the session with the dp server
# this is the initial query.
# its only purpose is to obtain a session ID and to define a budget
# The budget is set in the initial request only
# Once the budget is set, no further modification to the budget
# is possible in subsequent requests
request = {
'query': "", # empty query, just serves to get a session ID
'epsilon': '0.0', # nothing used up in the initialization phase
'budget': str(self._remaining_dp_budget), # the numeric values are sent as strings
'dbname': self._p['rawDb']['dbname'], # name of the raw db
'sid': '' # When sid is Null it indicates start of a session
# the database for anonymization here is uber
url = self._p['anonDb']['host']
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'}
# Client stores the response sent by the
response = requests.get(url, json=request, headers=headers, timeout=20, verify=True)
resp = response.json() # Convert response sent by server to JSON
if 'Error' in resp['Server Response']:
pprint.pprint(resp) # Client prints the data returned by the server
else: # if no error was encountered
if self._vb:
pprint.pprint("Setting up connection with Uber_DP Server")
pprint.pprint(resp) # Client prints the data returned by the server
# in case there is no error, but we are at the "dummy query" to get the session ID
self._sid = resp['Server Response']['Session ID'] # Set Session ID to value returned by server
except requests.ConnectionError as e:
print("Connection Error. Make sure you are connected to Internet.")
except requests.Timeout as e:
print("Timeout Error")
except requests.RequestException as e:
print("General Error")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Program closed")
class EnhancedThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.daemon = True
self._stopFlag = threading.Event()
def stop(self):
def stopped(self):
return self._stopFlag.isSet()
class CacheThread(EnhancedThread):
def __init__(self, theQueue, atcObject):
self.theQueue = theQueue
self.atcObject = atcObject = self.getName() + " (cache thread)"
self.dbConnection = None
def run(self):
while True:
if self.stopped():' > {self.getName()} stopped.')
data = self.theQueue.get(block=True, timeout=3)
except queue.Empty:
if data is not None:
self.dbConnection = data[0] # this is connInsert for closing later
if self.atcObject._p['verbose'] or self.atcObject._vb:
printTitle('cache insert successful. queue length: ' + str(self.theQueue.qsize()))
def stop(self):
logging.debug("CacheThread received stop signal")
if self.dbConnection:
except sqlite3.ProgrammingError:
logging.debug("interrupt signal sent to cacheDb for safe deleting cacheDb file later.")
def cleanBgThreads():
for t in threading.enumerate():
if isinstance(t, EnhancedThread) and (not t.stopped()):
def printTitle(text):
print(f'\n{" "+text:->46}\n')
def signal_kill_handler(signum, frame):
global atcObject
printTitle("Terminating the program ...")
thread_info = (
(f' >> {set([ for t in threading.enumerate() if t != threading.main_thread()])} \n'
f' > sending termination signal to all. please wait ... ') if threading.active_count() > 1
else ''
)'\n > active background threads: {threading.active_count() - 1} \n'
#'\n > active background threads: {threading.active_count() - 1} \n'
# f' >> {set([ for t in threading.enumerate() if t != threading.main_thread()])} \n'
# f' > sending termination signal to all. please wait ... ')
if atcObject:
def on_exit():
if len([t for t in threading.enumerate() if isinstance(t, EnhancedThread) and (not t.stopped())]):
while threading.active_count() > 1:
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_kill_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_kill_handler)
class gdaAttack (params)
Manages a GDA Attack
WARNING: this code is fragile, and can fail ungracefully, or just hang.
Everything gets set up with 'gdaAttack(params)'
params is a dictionary containing the following required parameters:
: The name of the attack. Make it unique, because the cache is discovered using this name.
: The label for the DB to be used as the raw (non-anonymized) DB.
Following are the optional parameters:
: The criteria by which the attack should determined to succeed or fail. Must be one of 'singlingOut', 'inference', or 'linkability'. Default is 'singlingOut'.
: The label for the DB to be used as the anonymized DB. (Is automatically set toparam['rawDb']
if not set.)
: The label for the DB to be used as the publicly known DB in linkability attacks.
: The table to be attacked. Must be present if the DB has more than one table.
: The uid column for the table. Must be present if the name of the column is other than 'uid'.
: Set to true if you want the cache of query answers from a previous run flushed. The purpose of the cache is to save the work from an aborted attack, which can be substantial because attacks can have hundreds of queries.
: The directory holding the cache DBs. Default 'cacheDBs'.
: The number of parallel queries that can be made to the raw DB. Default 3.
: The number of parallel queries that can be made to the anon DB. Default 3.
: The number of parallel queries that can be made to the public linkability DB. Default 3.
: Set to True for verbose output.param['dp_budget']
: An optional overall privacy budget for the attack. For use with uber_dp. Default 'None'.Expand source code
class gdaAttack: """Manages a GDA Attack WARNING: this code is fragile, and can fail ungracefully, or just hang.""" def __init__(self, params): """ Everything gets set up with 'gdaAttack(params)' params is a dictionary containing the following required parameters: <br/> `param['name']`: The name of the attack. Make it unique, because the cache is discovered using this name. <br/> `param['rawDb']`: The label for the DB to be used as the raw (non-anonymized) DB. <br/> Following are the optional parameters: <br/> `param['criteria']`: The criteria by which the attack should determined to succeed or fail. Must be one of 'singlingOut', 'inference', or 'linkability'. Default is 'singlingOut'. <br/> `param['anonDb']`: The label for the DB to be used as the anonymized DB. (Is automatically set to `param['rawDb']` if not set.) <br/> `param['pubDb']`: The label for the DB to be used as the publicly known DB in linkability attacks. <br/> `param['table']`: The table to be attacked. Must be present if the DB has more than one table. <br/> `param['uid']`: The uid column for the table. Must be present if the name of the column is other than 'uid'. <br/> `param['flushCache']`: Set to true if you want the cache of query answers from a previous run flushed. The purpose of the cache is to save the work from an aborted attack, which can be substantial because attacks can have hundreds of queries. <br/> `param['locCacheDir']`: The directory holding the cache DBs. Default 'cacheDBs'. <br/> `param['numRawDbThreads']`: The number of parallel queries that can be made to the raw DB. Default 3. <br/> `param['numAnonDbThreads']`: The number of parallel queries that can be made to the anon DB. Default 3. <br/> `param['numPubDbThreads']`: The number of parallel queries that can be made to the public linkability DB. Default 3. <br/> `param['verbose']`: Set to True for verbose output. `param['dp_budget']`: An optional overall privacy budget for the attack. For use with uber_dp. Default 'None'. <br/> """ #### gda-score-code version check warning #### process =[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "list","--outdated"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True) upgradable_pkgs = process.stdout if "gda-score-code" in upgradable_pkgs: pkgs = upgradable_pkgs.split('\n') potential_gdascore_pkgs = list(filter(lambda x: 'gda-score-code' in x, pkgs)) if len(potential_gdascore_pkgs) == 1: gdascore_pkg = potential_gdascore_pkgs[0] pkg_name, curr_ver, latest_ver, ins_type = (re.sub(r'\s+', '|', gdascore_pkg) .split('|')) print('\n') logging.warning(f'WARNING: You have {pkg_name} version {curr_ver} installed; ' f'however, version {latest_ver} is available.') logging.warning(f'You should consider upgrading via the ' f'"pip install --upgrade {pkg_name}" command.') print('\n') ######## ########### added by frzmohammadali ########## global theCacheQueue global theCacheThreadObject global flgCacheThreadStarted global atcObject if not theCacheQueue and not theCacheThreadObject: theCacheQueue = queue.Queue() theCacheThreadObject = CacheThread(theCacheQueue, self) atcObject = self printTitle('cache thread initialized.') self.cacheQueue = theCacheQueue self.cacheThreadObject = theCacheThreadObject if not flgCacheThreadStarted: self.cacheThreadObject.start() flgCacheThreadStarted = True ############################################## ############## parameters and instance variables ############### # ------------- Class called parameters and configured parameters self._vb = False self._cr = '' # short for criteria self._pp = None # pretty printer (for debugging) self._sid = None # for uber_dp interface, a session ID over the attack is needed self._session = None # also session for the uber_dp interface self._colNamesTypes = [] self._colNames = [] self._p = dict(name='', rawDb='', anonDb='', pubDb='', criteria='singlingOut', table='', uid='uid', flushCache=False, verbose=False, # following not normally set by caller, but can be locCacheDir="cacheDBs", numRawDbThreads=3, numAnonDbThreads=3, numPubDbThreads=3, ) self._requiredParams = ['name', 'rawDb'] # ---------- Private internal state # Threads self._rawThreads = [] self._anonThreads = [] self._pubThreads = [] # Queues read by database threads _rawThreads and _anonThreads self._rawQ = None self._anonQ = None self._pubQ = None # Queues read by various caller functions self._exploreQ = None self._knowledgeQ = None self._attackQ = None self._claimQ = None self._guessQ = None # ask/get counters for setting 'stillToCome' self._exploreCounter = 0 self._knowledgeCounter = 0 self._attackCounter = 0 self._claimCounter = 0 self._guessCounter = 0 # State for duplicate claim detection self._dupCheck = DupCheck() # State for computing attack results (see _initAtkRes()) self._atrs = {} # State for various operational measures (see _initOp()) self._op = {} ############################################## if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.init") if self._vb: print(f" {params}") self._initOp() self._initCounters() self._assignGlobalParams(params) self._doParamChecks() for param in self._requiredParams: if len(self._p[param]) == 0: s = str(f"Error: Need param '{param}' in class parameters") sys.exit(s) # extract the type of interface we are interacting with the anonymization self._type = self._p['anonDb']['type'] if self._type == 'uber_dp': # cannot run attack on uber dp without specifying the budget if self._p['dp_budget'] is None: s = str(f"Error: Needs param dp_budget in class parameters when running uber_dp attacks") sys.exit(s) # Assign the privacy budget as a parameter to the attack self._remaining_dp_budget = self._p['dp_budget'] self._initUberDPSession() # if no session id was set, the attacks cannot be conducted if self._sid is None: s = str(f"Failed initializing session with Uber_DP Server") sys.exit(s) # create the database directory if it doesn't exist try: if not os.path.exists(self._p['locCacheDir']): os.makedirs(self._p['locCacheDir']) except OSError: sys.exit("Error: Creating directory. " + self._p['locCacheDir']) # Get the table name if not provided by the caller if len(self._p['table']) == 0: tables = self.getTableNames() if len(tables) != 1: print("Error: gdaAttack(): Must include table name if " + "there is more than one table in database") sys.exit() self._p['table'] = tables[0] # Get the column names for computing susceptibility later self._colNamesTypes = self.getColNamesAndTypes() if self._vb: print(f"Columns are '{self._colNamesTypes}'") self._initAtkRes() # And make a convenient list of column names for colNameType in self._colNamesTypes: self._colNames.append(colNameType[0]) # Setup the database which holds already executed queries so we # don't have to repeat them if we are restarting self._setupLocalCacheDB() # Setup the threads and queues self._setupThreadsAndQueues() numThreads = threading.active_count() expectedThreads = (self._p['numRawDbThreads'] + self._p['numAnonDbThreads'] + 1) if len(self._p['pubDb']) > 0: expectedThreads += self._p['numPubDbThreads'] if numThreads < expectedThreads: print(f"Error: Some thread(s) died " f"(count {numThreads}, expected {expectedThreads}). " f"Aborting.") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) def getResults(self): """ Returns all of the compiled attack results. This can be input to class `gdaScores()` and method `gdaScores.addResult()`.""" # Add the operational parameters self._atrs['operational'] = self.getOpParameters() self._cleanPasswords() return self._atrs def getOpParameters(self): """ Returns a variety of performance measurements. Useful for debugging.""" self._op['avQueryDuration'] = 0 if self._op['numQueries'] > 0: self._op['avQueryDuration'] = ( self._op['timeQueries'] / self._op['numQueries']) self._op['avCachePutDuration'] = 0 if self._op['numCachePuts'] > 0: self._op['avCachePutDuration'] = ( self._op['timeCachePuts'] / self._op['numCachePuts']) self._op['avCacheGetDuration'] = 0 if self._op['numCacheGets'] > 0: self._op['avCacheGetDuration'] = ( self._op['timeCacheGets'] / self._op['numCacheGets']) return self._op def setVerbose(self): """Sets Verbose to True""" self._vb = True def unsetVerbose(self): """Sets Verbose to False""" self._vb = False def cleanUp(self, cleanUpCache=True, doExit=False, exitMsg="Finished cleanUp, exiting"): """ Garbage collect queues, threads, and cache. By default, this wipes the cache. The idea being that if the entire attack finished successfully, then it won't be repeated and the cache isn't needed. Do `cleanUpCache=False` if that isn't what you want.""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.cleanUp") if self._rawQ.empty() != True: logging.warning("Warning, trying to clean up when raw queue not empty!") if self._anonQ.empty() != True: logging.warning("Warning, trying to clean up when anon queue not empty!") if self.cacheQueue.empty() != True: logging.warning("Warning, trying to clean up when cache queue not empty!") # Stuff in end signals for the workers (this is a bit bogus, cause # if a thread is gone or hanging, not all signals will get read) for i in range(self._p['numRawDbThreads']): self._rawQ.put(None) for i in range(self._p['numAnonDbThreads']): self._anonQ.put(None) for i in range(self.cacheQueue.qsize()): self.cacheQueue.put(None) cleanBgThreads() if len(self._p['pubDb']) > 0: if self._pubQ.empty() != True: print("Warning, trying to clean up when pub queue not empty!") for i in range(self._p['numPubDbThreads']): self._pubQ.put(None) for t in self._pubThreads: if t.isAlive(): t.stop() # t.join() if cleanUpCache: self._removeLocalCacheDB() if self._session: # close the uber session self._session.close() if doExit: sys.exit(exitMsg) def isClaimed(self, spec): """Check if a claim was already fully or partially made. The `spec` is formatted identical to the `spec` in `gdaAttack.askClaim`.""" return self._dupCheck.is_claimed(spec, verbose=self._vb) def askClaim(self, spec, cache=True, claim=True): """Generate Claim query for raw and optionally pub databases. Before anything happens, the system uses the `gdaAttack.isClaimed` method to determine whether a previous claim fully or partially matches the new claim. Such duplicates are not allowed and an error will be raised providing additional details about the duplicate. Making a claim results in a query to the raw database, and if linkability attack, the pub database, to check the correctness of the claim. Multiple calls to this method will cause the corresponding queries to be queued up, so `askClaim()` returns immediately. `getClaim()` harvests one claim result. <br/> Set `claim=False` if this claim should not be applied to the confidence improvement score. In this case, the probability score will instead be reduced accordingly. <br/> The `spec` is formatted as follows: <br/> {'known':[{'col':'colName','val':'value'},...], 'guess':[{'col':'colName','val':'value'},...], } `spec['known']` are the columns and values the attacker already knows (i.e. with prior knowledge). Optional. <br/> `spec['guess']` are the columns and values the attacker doesn't know, but rather is trying to predict. Mandatory for 'singling out' and 'inference'. Optional for 'linkabiblity' <br/> Answers are cached <br/> Returns immediately""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askClaim with spec '{spec}', count {self._claimCounter}") if not self._dupCheck.is_claimed(spec, verbose=self._vb, raise_true=True): self._dupCheck.claim(spec, verbose=self._vb) self._claimCounter += 1 sql = self._makeSqlFromSpec(spec) if self._vb: print(f"Sql is '{sql}'") sqlConfs = self._makeSqlConfFromSpec(spec) if self._vb: print(f"SqlConf is '{sqlConfs}'") # Make a copy of the query for passing around job = {} job['q'] = self._claimQ job['claim'] = claim job['queries'] = [{'sql': sql, 'cache': cache}] job['spec'] = spec for sqlConf in sqlConfs: job['queries'].append({'sql': sqlConf, 'cache': cache}) self._rawQ.put(job) def getClaim(self): """ Wait for and gather results of askClaim() calls Returns a data structure that contains both the result of one finished claim, and the claim's input parameters. Note that the order in which results are returned by `getClaim()` are not necessarily the same order they were inserted by `askClaim()`. <br/> Assuming `result` is returned: <br/> `result['claim']` is the value supplied in the corresponding `askClaim()` call <br/> `result['spec']` is a copy of the `spec` supplied in the corresponding `askClaim()` call. <br/> `result['queries']` is a list of the queries generated in order to validate the claim. <br/> `result['answers']` are the answers to the queries in `result['queries']`. <br/> `result['claimResult']` is 'Correct' or 'Incorrect', depending on whether the claim satisfies the critieria or not. <br/> `result['stillToCome']` is a counter showing how many more claims are still queued. When `stillToCome` is 0, then all claims submitted by `askClaim()` have been returned.""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.getClaim") if self._claimCounter == 0: # Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected # answers, but is anyway, so just return return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do', 'stillToCome': 0, 'claimResult': 'Error'} job = self._claimQ.get() claim = job['claim'] self._claimQ.task_done() self._claimCounter -= 1 job['stillToCome'] = self._claimCounter self._addToAtkRes('claimTrials', job['spec'], 1) # The claim is tested against the first reply reply = job['replies'][0] job['claimResult'] = 'Wrong' if claim: self._addToAtkRes('claimMade', job['spec'], 1) if 'error' in reply: self._addToAtkRes('claimError', job['spec'], 1) job['claimResult'] = 'Error' else: if self._cr == 'singlingOut': claimIsCorrect = self._checkSinglingOut(reply['answer']) elif self._cr == 'inference': claimIsCorrect = self._checkInference(reply['answer']) elif self._cr == 'linkability': claimIsCorrect = self._checkLinkability(reply['answer']) if claim == 1 and claimIsCorrect: self._addToAtkRes('claimCorrect', job['spec'], 1) job['claimResult'] = 'Correct' elif claim == 0 and claimIsCorrect: self._addToAtkRes('claimPassCorrect', job['spec'], 1) job['claimResult'] = 'Correct' if self._cr == 'singlingOut' or self._cr == 'inference': # Then measure confidence against the second and third replies if 'answer' in job['replies'][1]: if job['replies'][1]['answer']: guessedRows = job['replies'][1]['answer'][0][0] else: guessedRows = 0 elif 'error' in job['replies'][1]: self._pp.pprint(job) print(f"Error: conf query:\n{job['replies'][1]['error']}") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if 'answer' in job['replies'][2]: if job['replies'][2]['answer']: totalRows = job['replies'][2]['answer'][0][0] else: totalRows = 0 elif 'error' in job['replies'][2]: self._pp.pprint(job) print(f"Error: conf query:\n{job['replies'][2]['error']}") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if totalRows: self._addToAtkRes('sumConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], guessedRows / totalRows) self._addToAtkRes('numConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], 1) self._atrs['tableStats']['totalRows'] = totalRows else: # For linkability, the confidence is always 1/2 self._addToAtkRes('sumConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], 0.5) self._addToAtkRes('numConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], 1) if 'q' in job: del job['q'] return (job) def askAttack(self, query, cache=True): """ Generate and queue up an attack query for database. `query` is a dictionary with (currently) one value: <br/> `query['sql']` contains the SQL query. <br/> `query['epsilon']` is optional, and defines how much of the differential privacy budget is used for uber_dp <br/> """ self._attackCounter += 1 if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askAttack with query '{query}', count {self._attackCounter}") # Make a copy of the query for passing around qCopy = copy.copy(query) job = {} job['q'] = self._attackQ qCopy['cache'] = cache job['queries'] = [qCopy] self._anonQ.put(job) def getAttack(self): """ Returns the result of one askAttack() call Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order in which results are received is not necesarily the order in which `askAttack()` calls were made. <br/> Assuming `result` is returned: <br/> `result['answer']` is the answer returned by the DB. The format is: <br/> `[(C1,C2...,Cn),(C1,C2...,Cn), ... (C1,C2...,Cn)]` <br/> where C1 is the first element of the `SELECT`, C2 the second element, etc. This attribute does not exist in cases of query error (i.e. bad sql, budget exceeded if uber_dp, etc.) <br/> `result['cells']` is the number of cells returned in the answer (used by `gdaAttack()` to compute total attack cells) <br/> `result['query']['sql']` is the query from the corresponding `askAttack()`. `result['error']` contains the error description <br/> `result['remaining_dp_budget']` contains the remaining differential privacy budget when uber_dp is used. <br/> """ if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.getAttack") if self._attackCounter == 0: # Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected # answers, but is anyway, so just return return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do', 'stillToCome': 0} job = self._attackQ.get() self._attackQ.task_done() self._attackCounter -= 1 reply = job['replies'][0] reply['stillToCome'] = self._attackCounter self._atrs['base']['attackGets'] += 1 if 'cells' in reply: if reply['cells'] == 0: self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] += 1 else: self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] += reply['cells'] else: self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] += 1 if self._type == 'uber_dp': reply['remaining_dp_budget'] = self._remaining_dp_budget return (reply) def askKnowledge(self, query, cache=True): """ Generate and queue up a prior knowledge query for database The class keeps track of how many prior knowledge cells were returned and uses this to compute a score. <br/> Input parameters formatted the same as with `askAttack()`""" self._knowledgeCounter += 1 if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askKnowledge with query " f"'{query}', count {self._knowledgeCounter}") # Make a copy of the query for passing around qCopy = copy.copy(query) job = {} job['q'] = self._knowledgeQ qCopy['cache'] = cache job['queries'] = [qCopy] self._rawQ.put(job) def getKnowledge(self): """ Wait for and gather results of prior askKnowledge() calls Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order in which results are received is not necesarily the order in which `askKnowledge()` calls were made. <br/> Return parameter formatted the same as with `getAttack()`""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.getKnowledge") if self._knowledgeCounter == 0: # Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected # answers, but is anyway, so just return return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do', 'stillToCome': 0} job = self._knowledgeQ.get() self._knowledgeQ.task_done() self._knowledgeCounter -= 1 reply = job['replies'][0] reply['stillToCome'] = self._knowledgeCounter self._atrs['base']['knowledgeGets'] += 1 if 'cells' in reply: self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += reply['cells'] return (reply) def askExplore(self, query, cache=True): """ Generate and queue up an exploritory query for database No score book-keeping is done here. An analyst may make any number of queries without impacting the GDA score. <br/> `query` is a dictionary with two values: <br/> `query['sql']` contains the SQL query. <br/> `query['db']` determines which database is queried, and is one of 'rawDb', 'anonDb', or (if linkability), 'pubDb'.""" self._exploreCounter += 1 if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askExplore with " f"query '{query}', count {self._exploreCounter}") # Make a copy of the query for passing around qCopy = copy.copy(query) job = {} job['q'] = self._exploreQ qCopy['cache'] = cache job['queries'] = [qCopy] if qCopy['db'] == 'rawDb' or qCopy['db'] == 'raw': self._rawQ.put(job) elif qCopy['db'] == 'anonDb' or qCopy['db'] == 'anon': self._anonQ.put(job) else: self._pubQ.put(job) def getExplore(self): """ Wait for and gather results of prior askExplore() calls. Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order in which results are received is not necesarily the order in which `askExplore()` calls were made. <br/> Return parameter formatted the same as with `getAttack()`""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.getExplore") if self._exploreCounter == 0: # Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected # answers, but is anyway, so just return return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do', 'stillToCome': 0} job = self._exploreQ.get() self._exploreQ.task_done() self._exploreCounter -= 1 reply = job['replies'][0] reply['stillToCome'] = self._exploreCounter return (reply) def getPublicColValues(self, colName, tableName=''): """Return list of "publicly known" column values and counts Column value has index 0, count of distinct UIDs has index 1 Must specify column name. """ if len(colName) == 0: print(f"Must specify column 'colName'") return None if len(tableName) == 0: # caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the # class init tableName = self._p['table'] # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb']) connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # First we need to know the total number of distinct users sql = str(f"""select count(distinct {self._p['uid']}) from {tableName}""") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getPublicColValues() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() numUid = ans[0][0] # Query the raw db for values in the column sql = str(f"""select {colName}, count(distinct {self._p['uid']}) from {tableName} group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 200""") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getPublicColValues() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() ret = [] for row in ans: # row[0] is the value, row[1] is the count if (((row[1] / numUid) > 0.002) and (row[1] >= 50)): ret.append((row[0], row[1])) conn.close() return ret def getColNames(self, dbType='rawDb', tableName=''): """Return simple list of column names `dbType` is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb'""" if len(tableName) == 0: colsAndTypes = self.getColNamesAndTypes(dbType=dbType) else: colsAndTypes = self.getColNamesAndTypes( dbType=dbType, tableName=tableName) if not colsAndTypes: return None cols = [] for tup in colsAndTypes: cols.append(tup[0]) return cols def getAttackTableName(self): """Returns the name of the table being used in the attack.""" return self._p['table'] def getTableCharacteristics(self, tableName=''): """Returns the full contents of the table characteristics Return value is a dict indexed by column name: <br/> { '<colName>': { 'av_rows_per_vals': 3.93149, 'av_uids_per_val': 0.468698, 'column_label': 'continuous', 'column_name': 'dropoff_latitude', 'column_type': 'real', 'max': '898.29382000000000', 'min': '-0.56333297000000', 'num_distinct_vals': 24216, 'num_rows': 95205, 'num_uids': 11350, 'std_rows_per_val': 10.8547, 'std_uids_per_val': 4.09688}, } } """ if len(tableName) == 0: # caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the # class init tableName = self._p['table'] # Modify table name to the default for the characteristics table tableName += '_char' # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb']) connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # Set up return dict ret = {} # Query it for column names sql = str(f"""select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name='{tableName}'""") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getTableCharacteristics() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) cols = cur.fetchall() # Make index for column name (should be 0, but just to be sure) for colNameIndex in range(len(cols)): if cols[colNameIndex][0] == 'column_name': break # Query it for table contents sql = str(f"SELECT * FROM {tableName}") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getTableCharacteristics() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() for row in ans: colName = row[colNameIndex] ret[colName] = {} for i in range(len(row)): ret[colName][cols[i][0]] = row[i] conn.close() return ret def getAnonTableCharacteristics(self, tableName=''): """Returns the full contents of the table characteristics Return value is a dict indexed by column name: <br/> { '<colName>': { 'av_rows_per_vals': 3.93149, 'av_uids_per_val': 0.468698, 'column_label': 'continuous', 'column_name': 'dropoff_latitude', 'column_type': 'real', 'max': '898.29382000000000', 'min': '-0.56333297000000', 'num_distinct_vals': 24216, 'num_rows': 95205, 'num_uids': 11350, 'std_rows_per_val': 10.8547, 'std_uids_per_val': 4.09688}, } } """ if len(tableName) == 0: # caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the # class init tableName = self._p['table'] # Modify table name to the default for the characteristics table # tableName += '_char' # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['anonDb']) connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # Query it for column names sql = str(f"""select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') and table_name='{tableName}'""") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getAnonTableCharacteristics() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() # Set up return dict ret = {_row[0]: {'column_name': _row[0], 'column_type': _row[1]} for _row in ans} conn.close() return ret # Note that following is used internally, but we expose it to the # caller as well because it is a useful function for exploration def getColNamesAndTypes(self, dbType='rawDb', tableName=''): """Return raw database column names and types (or None if error) dbType is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb' <br/> return format: [(col,type),(col,type),...]""" if len(tableName) == 0: # caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the # class init tableName = self._p['table'] # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p[dbType]) if db['type'] != 'postgres' and db['type'] != 'aircloak': print(f"DB type '{db['type']}' must be 'postgres' or 'aircloak'") return None connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # Query it for column names if db['type'] == 'postgres': sql = str(f"""select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name='{tableName}'""") elif db['type'] == 'aircloak': sql = str(f"show columns from {tableName}") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getColNamesAndTypes() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() ret = [] for row in ans: ret.append((row[0], row[1])) conn.close() return ret def getTableNames(self, dbType='rawDb'): """Return database table names dbType is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb' <br/> Table names returned as list, unless error then return None""" # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p[dbType]) if db['type'] != 'postgres' and db['type'] != 'aircloak': print(f"DB type '{db['type']}' must be 'postgres' or 'aircloak'") return None connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # Query it for column names if db['type'] == 'postgres': sql = """SELECT tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND schemaname != 'information_schema'""" elif db['type'] == 'aircloak': sql = "show tables" try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getTableNames() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() ret = [] for row in ans: ret.append(row[0]) conn.close() return ret def getUidColName(self): """ Returns the name of the UID column""" return self._p['uid'] def getPriorKnowledge(self, dataColumns, method, fraction=None, count=None, selectColumn=None, colRange=[None,None], values=[None]): """ Returns data from the rawDB according to a specification This mimics external knowledge that an attacker may have about the data, and influences the 'knowledge' part of the GDA Score. <br/> `dataColumns` is a list of column names. The data for these columns is returned <br/> `method` can be 'rows' or 'users'. If 'rows', then rows are selected according to the criteria (`fraction`, `count`, `selectColumn`, `colRange`, or `values`). If 'users', then all rows for a set of selected users is returned. The users are selected according to the criteria (`fraction` or `count`) <br/> If none of the criteria are set, or if `fraction` is set to 1.0, then all rows are returned (for the selected column values) One of `fraction`, `count`, or `selectColumn` must be set. <br/> `fraction` or `count` are set to obtain a random set of rows or users. If `fraction`, then an approximate fraction of all rows/users is selected. `fraction` is a value between 0 and 1.0. If `count`, then exactly `count` random rows/users are selected. <br/> `selectColumn` is set to select rows according to the values of the specified column. `selectColumn` is a column name. If set, then either a range of values (`colRange`), or a set of values (`values`) must be chosen. <br/> `colRange` is a list with two values: `[min,max]`. This selects all values between min and max inclusive. <br/> `values` is a list of one or more values of any type. This selects all values matching those in the list. <br/> The return value is a list in this format: <br/> `[(C1,C2...,Cn),(C1,C2...,Cn), ... (C1,C2...,Cn)]` <br/> where C1 corresponds to the first column in `dataColumns`, C2 corresponds to the second column in `dataColumns`, and so on. <br/> """ # Check input parameters if not isinstance(dataColumns, list): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: dataColumns must be a list of one or more column names") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if method not in ['rows','users']: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: method must be 'rows' or 'users'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if fraction is None and count is None and selectColumn is None: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: one of fraction, count, or selectColumn must be set") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if fraction and not isinstance(fraction, float): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: if set, fraction must be a float") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if (fraction and (count or selectColumn)) or (count and (fraction or selectColumn)): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: only one of fraction, count, or selectColumn may be set") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if count and not isinstance(count, int): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: if set, count must be an integer") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if selectColumn: if selectColumn not in self._colNames: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: selectColumn '{selectColumn}' is not a valid column") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if colRange == [None,None] and values == [None]: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: if selectColumn is set, one of colRange or values must be set") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if not isinstance(colRange, list): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: colRange must be a list with two values") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if not (isinstance(values, list) or isinstance(values, tuple)) or len(values) == 0: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: values must be a list or tuple with one or more values") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) for col in dataColumns: if col not in self._colNames: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: column '{col}' is not a valid column") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) # Basic input checks finished # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb']) connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() table = self._p['table'] uid = self._p['uid'] # Make the SELECT part of the SQL query initSql = 'SELECT ' for col in dataColumns: initSql += str(f"{col}, ") initSql = initSql[0:-2] if method == 'rows' and fraction: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE random() <= {fraction}") ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'users' and fraction: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {uid} IN ") sql += str(f"(SELECT {uid} from (SELECT DISTINCT {uid} FROM {table}) t WHERE random() < {fraction})") ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'rows' and colRange[0] is not None: for pair in self._colNamesTypes: if selectColumn in pair[0]: colType = pair[1] break if 'text' in colType or 'char' in colType or 'date' in colType or 'time' in colType: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {selectColumn} >= '{colRange[0]}' and {selectColumn} <= '{colRange[1]}'") else: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {selectColumn} >= {colRange[0]} and {selectColumn} <= {colRange[1]}") ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'rows' and values[0] is not None: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {selectColumn} IN (") for pair in self._colNamesTypes: if selectColumn in pair[0]: colType = pair[1] break for value in values: if "text" in colType or "date" in colType or "time" in colType: sql += str(f"'{value}', ") else: sql += str(f"{value}, ") sql = sql[0:-2] sql += ")" ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'rows' and count: # need to know the total number of rows sql = str(f"select count(*) from {table}") ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) numRows = ans[0][0] # next we get some random set of rows that is certainly more than we need frac = (count/numRows)*2 sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE random() <= {frac}") temp = self._doQuery(cur,sql) # next we scramble these so that we get a random sampling from the random sampling random.shuffle(temp) # finally pick the exact count ans = temp[0:count] self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'users' and count: # get the full list of distinct UIDs sql = str(f"SELECT DISTINCT {uid} from {table}") uidList = self._doQuery(cur,sql) # next we scramble these so that we can get a random sampling random.shuffle(uidList) # pick the exact count of UIDs uidList = uidList[0:count] sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {uid} IN (") for pair in self._colNamesTypes: if uid in pair[0]: colType = pair[1] break for uidVal in uidList: if "text" in colType or "date" in colType or "time" in colType: sql += str(f"'{uidVal[0]}', ") else: sql += str(f"{uidVal[0]}, ") sql = sql[0:-2] sql += ")" ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) #zzzz return None #def getPriorKnowledge(self, dataColumns, method, #fraction=None, count=None, selectColumn=None, colRange=[None,None], values=[None]): # -------------- Private Methods ------------------- def _doQuery(self,cur,sql): try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getPublicColValues() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() return ans def _cleanPasswords(self): if 'attack' in self._atrs: if ('anonDb' in self._atrs['attack'] and 'password' in self._atrs['attack']['anonDb']): self._atrs['attack']['anonDb']['password'] = 'xxxxxxx' if ('rawDb' in self._atrs['attack'] and 'password' in self._atrs['attack']['rawDb']): self._atrs['attack']['rawDb']['password'] = 'xxxxxxx' if ('pubDb' in self._atrs['attack'] and 'password' in self._atrs['attack']['pubDb']): self._atrs['attack']['pubDb']['password'] = 'xxxxxxx' return def _assignGlobalParams(self, params): self._pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) for key, val in params.items(): self._p[key] = val # assign verbose value to a smaller variable name if key == "verbose": if val != False: self._vb = True # Check criteria if key == "criteria": if (val == 'singlingOut' or val == 'inference' or val == 'linkability'): self._cr = val else: print("""Error: criteria must be one of 'singlingOut', 'inference', or 'linkability'""") sys.exit('') def _setupLocalCacheDB(self): path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db" conn = sqlite3.connect(path) cur = conn.cursor() if self._p['flushCache'] == True: sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab" if self._vb: print(f" cache DB: {sql}") cur.execute(sql) sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tab (qid text primary key, answer text)""" if self._vb: print(f" cache DB: {sql}") cur.execute(sql) # conn.commit() cur.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;") # conn.commit() conn.close() def _removeLocalCacheDB(self): path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db" max_attempts = 5 attempt = 0 removeFlag = False _ex = None if os.path.exists(path): while attempt <= max_attempts: attempt += 1 try: os.remove(path) removeFlag = True break except Exception as ex: _ex = ex removeFlag = False time.sleep(0.3) if not removeFlag: logging.error(f"cache db removing error after {attempt} attempts.\n" f"ERROR: Failed to remove cache DB {path} => ex: {_ex}") else:"cache db removed successfully after {attempt} attempt(s).") def removeLocalCacheDBWrapper(self): return self._removeLocalCacheDB() def _setupThreadsAndQueues(self): self._anonThreads = [] self._rawThreads = [] self._pubThreads = [] self._exploreQ = queue.Queue() self._knowledgeQ = queue.Queue() self._attackQ = queue.Queue() self._claimQ = queue.Queue() self._guessQ = queue.Queue() self._rawQ = queue.Queue() if self._cr == 'linkability': self._pubQ = queue.Queue() self._anonQ = queue.Queue() backQ = queue.Queue() for i in range(self._p['numRawDbThreads']): d = dict(db=self._p['rawDb'], q=self._rawQ, kind='raw', backQ=backQ) t = EnhancedThread(target=self._dbWorker, kwargs=d) t.start() self._rawThreads.append(t) for i in range(self._p['numAnonDbThreads']): d = dict(db=self._p['anonDb'], q=self._anonQ, kind='anon', backQ=backQ) t = EnhancedThread(target=self._dbWorker, kwargs=d) t.start() self._anonThreads.append(t) if self._cr == 'linkability': for i in range(self._p['numPubDbThreads']): d = dict(db=self._p['pubDb'], q=self._pubQ, kind='pub', backQ=backQ) t = EnhancedThread(target=self._dbWorker, kwargs=d) t.start() self._pubThreads.append(t) num = (self._p['numRawDbThreads'] + self._p['numAnonDbThreads']) if self._cr == 'linkability': num += self._p['numPubDbThreads'] # Make sure all the worker threads are ready for i in range(num): msg = backQ.get() if self._vb: print(f"{msg} is ready") backQ.task_done() def _dbWorker(self, db, q, kind, backQ): # uber dp has a different interface than aircloak or postgres if db['type'] == 'uber_dp': if self._vb: print(f"Starting {__name__}.serverWorker:{db, kind}") me = threading.current_thread() backQ.put(me) while True: jobOrig = q.get() q.task_done() if jobOrig is None: if self._vb: print(f" {me}: serverWorker done {db, kind}") break # make a copy for passing around job = copy.copy(jobOrig) replyQ = job['q'] replies = [] # holds all the reply dicts for query in job['queries']: reply = self._processUberQuery(query) replies.append(reply) job['replies'] = replies replyQ.put(job) elif db['type'] == 'aircloak' or db['type'] == 'postgres': if self._vb: print(f"Starting {__name__}.dbWorker:{db, kind}") me = threading.current_thread() d = getDatabaseInfo(db) # Establish connection to database connStr = str( f"host={d['host']} port={d['port']} dbname={d['dbname']} user={d['user']} password={d['password']}") if self._vb: print(f" {me}: Connect to DB with DSN '{connStr}'") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # Establish connection to local cache path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db" # Set timeout low so that we don't spend a lot of time inserting # into the cache in case it gets overloaded connInsert = sqlite3.connect(path, timeout=0.1) curInsert = connInsert.cursor() connRead = sqlite3.connect(path) curRead = connRead.cursor() backQ.put(me) while True: if isinstance(me, EnhancedThread) and me.stopped():' > {me.getName()} stopped.') return try: jobOrig = q.get(block=True, timeout=3) except queue.Empty: continue q.task_done() if jobOrig is None: if self._vb: print(f" {me}: dbWorker done {db, kind}") conn.close() connRead.close() connInsert.close() break # make a copy for passing around job = copy.copy(jobOrig) replyQ = job['q'] replies = [] for query in job['queries']: reply = self._processQuery(query, conn, cur, connInsert, curInsert, curRead) replies.append(reply) job['replies'] = replies replyQ.put(job) def _processUberQuery(self, query): # Once the session ID is defined, we stay in that session # ONLY `epsilon` and the `query` can be set # `budget` and `dbname` just have placeholders because they cannot be changed anyways request = { 'query': query['sql'], 'epsilon': str(query['epsilon']), 'count' : '1', # the interface is designed in a way such that repeted attacks need to be triggered # by several askAttack(), getAttack(). Therefore, the server functionality to potentially execute the same # query several times is not used 'budget': 'None', 'dbname': 'None', 'sid': self._sid } start = time.perf_counter() # store the time of query execution url = self._p['anonDb']['host'] headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} # Headers to be sent in the client request # Client stores the response sent by the try: response = requests.get(url, json=request, headers=headers, timeout=100, verify=True) resp = response.json() # Convert response sent by server to JSON if self._vb: print("Server response for the given query: ") print(resp) if 'Error' in resp['Server Response']: # If budget exceeded, we do not provide an answer field in the reply if 'Budget Exceeded' in resp['Server Response']['Error']: print("This query does exceed the remaining privacy budget for your attack.") print("Your remaining budget is "+str(self._remaining_dp_budget)+", the query would need "+str(query['epsilon'])+".") reply = dict(error='Budget Exceeded') else: # if the query went through, we can deduct its privay consumption to keep track internally self._remaining_dp_budget -= query['epsilon'] # the answer of dp queries is a single value (as it computes the aggregate over several query rows) # to match the format needed to compute number of cells, we still need two dimensions # therefore, [[]] ans = [[float((resp['Server Response']['Result']))]]# record the answer and append it as a 1-element list of float # for statistics. Only makes sense to count query if it went through self._op['numQueries'] += 1 # after all for loops find the shape of the resulting answers numCells = self._computeNumCells(ans) # format the reply similarly as for aircloak and postgres reply = dict(answer=ans, cells=numCells) except requests.ConnectionError as e: print("Connection Error. Make sure you are connected to Internet.") print(str(e)) except requests.Timeout as e: print("Timeout Error") print(str(e)) except requests.RequestException as e: print("General Error") print(str(e)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Program closed") reply['query'] = query # calculate the time we needed for the query end = time.perf_counter() duration = end - start self._op['timeQueries'] += duration return reply def _processQuery(self, query, conn, cur, connInsert, curInsert, curRead, queryType='db'): # record and remove the return queue # queryType specifies if we are asking the queries from a db (aircloak, postgres) # or from a server, like uber_dp if queryType == 'server': pass elif queryType == 'db': cache = query['cache'] del query['cache'] # Check the cache for the answer # Note that at this point query is a dict # containing the sql, the db (raw, anon, or pub), # and any tags that the source added cachedReply = None if cache: cachedReply = self._getCache(curRead, query) if cachedReply: if self._vb: print(" Answer from cache") if 'answer' in cachedReply: numCells = self._computeNumCells(cachedReply['answer']) cachedReply['cells'] = numCells return cachedReply else: start = time.perf_counter() try: cur.execute(query['sql']) except psycopg2.Error as e: reply = dict(error=e.pgerror) else: ans = cur.fetchall() numCells = self._computeNumCells(ans) reply = dict(answer=ans, cells=numCells) end = time.perf_counter() duration = end - start self._op['numQueries'] += 1 self._op['timeQueries'] += duration reply['query'] = query # only cache if the native query is slow if duration > 0.1: # self._putCache(connInsert, curInsert, query, reply) self.cacheQueue.put([connInsert, curInsert, query, reply]) return reply def _checkInference(self, ans): # column 0 must be UID # User is inferred if all users in answer have same attributes # Returns 1 if inference claim correct, else returns 0 if len(ans) == 0: return 0 numRows = len(ans) numColumns = len(ans[0]) if numColumns < 2: # Can't test inference unless there is at least one column # (other than UID) that is the same return 0 for c in range(1, numColumns): val = ans[0][c] for r in range(1, numRows): if val != ans[r][c]: return 0 return 1 def _checkLinkability(self, ans): # The test is the same as with singling out # Returns 1 if linkability claim correct, else returns 0 return self._checkSinglingOut(ans) def _checkSinglingOut(self, ans): # column 0 must be UID # User is singled-out if there is only one distinct UID # Returns 1 if singling out claim correct, else returns 0 if len(ans) == 0: return 0 uids = {} for row in ans: uids[row[0]] = 1 numUids = len(uids) if numUids == 1: return 1 else: return 0 def _computeNumCells(self, ans): # ans is a list of tuples [(x,y),(x,y),(x,y) ... # Count the number of columns (in the first row) if len(ans) == 0: return 0 numColumns = len(ans[0]) numRows = len(ans) numCells = numColumns * numRows return numCells def _doParamChecks(self): dbInfoRaw = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb']) if not dbInfoRaw: sys.exit('rawDb now found in database config') if len(self._p['anonDb']) == 0: self._p['anonDb'] = self._p['rawDb'] else: dbInfoAnon = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['anonDb']) if not dbInfoAnon: sys.exit('anonDb not found in database config') if self._cr == 'linkability': dbInfo = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['pubDb']) if not dbInfo: sys.exit('Must specify pubDb if criteria is linkability') numThreads = self._p['numRawDbThreads'] + self._p['numAnonDbThreads'] if self._cr == 'linkability': numThreads += self._p['numPubDbThreads'] if numThreads > 50: sys.exit("Error: Can't have more than 50 threads total") def _getCache(self, cur, query): path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db" my_conn = sqlite3.connect(path, timeout=0.1) my_cur = my_conn.cursor() # turn the query (dict) into a string qStr = self._dict2Str(query) if qStr is None: return None sql = str(f"SELECT answer FROM tab where qid = '{qStr}'") if self._vb: print(f" cache DB: {sql}") start = time.perf_counter() for z in range(1,11): try: # cur.execute(sql) my_cur.execute(sql) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: # database is locked if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb: logging.warning(f'>> reading from cache DB: {z} attempt(s). Coming next try ' f'soon...') err = e time.sleep(0.5) continue except (sqlite3.Error, Exception) as e: if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb: logging.warning(f"getCache error '{e.args[0]}' attempt: {z}. Coming next try " f"soon...") err = e time.sleep(0.5) continue else: break else: if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb: logging.error(f'>> could not read from cache DB >> ERROR: {err}') return None end = time.perf_counter() self._op['numCacheGets'] += 1 self._op['timeCacheGets'] += (end - start) # answer = cur.fetchone() # frzmohammadali just to remember my stupidest bug ever answer = my_cur.fetchone() my_cur.close() my_conn.close() if not answer: return None rtnDict = self._str2Dict(answer[0]) return rtnDict def _putCache(self, conn, cur, query, reply): # turn the query and reply (dict) into a string # Establish connection to local cache path = self._p['locCacheDir'] + "/" + self._p['name'] + ".db" qStr = self._dict2Str(query) if qStr is None: return rStr = self._dict2Str(reply) if rStr is None: return sql = str(f"INSERT INTO tab VALUES ('{qStr}','{rStr}')") if self._vb: print(f" cache DB: {sql}") start = time.perf_counter() err = None for z in range(10): try: # cur.execute(sql) # conn.commit() my_conn = sqlite3.connect(path, timeout=0.1) my_cur = my_conn.cursor() my_cur.execute(sql) my_conn.commit() except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb: logging.warning(f"putCache error [qid exists in cached queries] '{e.args[0]}' ") break except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: # database is locked if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb: logging.warning(f"putCache attempt: {z}. Coming next try " f"soon...") err = e time.sleep(0.5) continue except (sqlite3.Error, Exception) as e: if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb: logging.warning(f"putCache error '{e.args[0]}' attempt: {z}. Coming next try " f"soon...") err = e time.sleep(0.5) continue else: break finally: try: if my_cur: my_cur.close() if my_conn: my_conn.close() except sqlite3.ProgrammingError: # cursor and connection is already closed pass else: # raise err if self._p['verbose'] or self._vb: logging.error(f'>> could not insert into cache DB >> ERROR: {err}') end = time.perf_counter() self._op['numCachePuts'] += 1 self._op['timeCachePuts'] += (end - start) def putCacheWrapper(self, conn, cur, query, reply): self._putCache(conn, cur, query, reply) def _dict2Str(self, d): try: dStr = simplejson.dumps(d) except TypeError: print("simpleJson failed") return None dByte = str.encode(dStr) dByte64 = base64.b64encode(dByte) try: dByte64Str = str(dByte64, "utf-8") except MemoryError: print("str(dByte64) failed") return None return dByte64Str def _str2Dict(self, dByte64Str): dByte64 = str.encode(dByte64Str) dByte = base64.b64decode(dByte64) dStr = str(dByte, "utf-8") d = simplejson.loads(dStr) return d def _makeSqlFromSpec(self, spec): sql = "select " if 'known' in spec: numKnown = len(spec['known']) else: numKnown = 0 if 'guess' in spec: numGuess = len(spec['guess']) else: numGuess = 0 if self._cr == 'inference': sql += str(f"{self._p['uid']}, ") for i in range(numGuess): sql += str(f"{spec['guess'][i]['col']}") if i == (numGuess - 1): sql += " " else: sql += ", " sql += str(f"from {self._p['table']} ") if numKnown: sql += "where " for i in range(numKnown): sql += str(f"{spec['known'][i]['col']} = ") sql += str(f"'{spec['known'][i]['val']}' ") if i == (numKnown - 1): sql += " " else: sql += "and " elif self._cr == 'singlingOut' or self._cr == 'linkability': sql += str(f"{self._p['uid']} from {self._p['table']} where ") for i in range(numKnown): sql += str(f"{spec['known'][i]['col']} = ") sql += str(f"'{spec['known'][i]['val']}' and ") for i in range(numGuess): sql += str(f"{spec['guess'][i]['col']} = ") sql += str(f"'{spec['guess'][i]['val']}' ") if i == (numGuess - 1): sql += " " else: sql += "and " return sql def _makeSqlConfFromSpec(self, spec): sqls = [] numGuess = len(spec['guess']) if self._cr == 'inference' or self._cr == 'singlingOut': sql = str(f"select count(distinct {self._p['uid']}) from {self._p['table']} where ") # This first sql learns the number of rows matching the # guessed values for i in range(numGuess): sql += str(f"{spec['guess'][i]['col']} = ") sql += str(f"'{spec['guess'][i]['val']}'") if i != (numGuess - 1): sql += " and " sqls.append(sql) # This second sql learns the total number of rows (should # normally be a cached result) sql = str(f"select count(distinct {self._p['uid']}) from {self._p['table']}") sqls.append(sql) elif self._cr == 'linkability': # nothing happens for linkability pass return sqls def _addToAtkRes(self, label, spec, val): """Adds the value to each column in the guess""" for tup in spec['guess']: col = tup['col'] if col not in self._atrs['col']: print(f"Error: addToAtkRes(): Bad column in spec: '{col}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if label not in self._atrs['col'][col]: print(f"Error: addToAtkRes(): Bad label '{label}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) self._atrs['col'][col][label] += val def _initAtkRes(self): self._atrs = {} self._atrs['attack'] = {} self._atrs['base'] = {} self._atrs['tableStats'] = {} self._atrs['col'] = {} # ----- Attack parameters self._atrs['attack']['attackName'] = self._p['name'] self._atrs['attack']['rawDb'] = self._p['rawDb'] self._atrs['attack']['anonDb'] = self._p['anonDb'] if self._cr == 'linkability': self._atrs['attack']['pubDb'] = self._p['anonDb'] self._atrs['attack']['criteria'] = self._p['criteria'] self._atrs['attack']['table'] = self._p['table'] # add parameters for the database machine itself db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb']) self._atrs['attack']['rawHost'] = db['host'] self._atrs['attack']['rawDbName'] = db['dbname'] self._atrs['attack']['rawPort'] = db['port'] if self._cr == 'linkability': db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['pubDb']) self._atrs['attack']['pubHost'] = db['host'] self._atrs['attack']['pubDbName'] = db['dbname'] self._atrs['attack']['pubPort'] = db['port'] db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['anonDb']) self._atrs['attack']['anonHost'] = db['host'] self._atrs['attack']['anonDbName'] = db['dbname'] self._atrs['attack']['anonPort'] = db['port'] # and a timestamp self._atrs['attack']['startTime'] = str( # ----- Params for computing knowledge: # number of prior knowledge cells requested self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] = 0 # number of times knowledge was queried self._atrs['base']['knowledgeGets'] = 0 # ----- Params for computing how much work needed to attack: # number of attack cells requested self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] = 0 # number of times attack was queried self._atrs['base']['attackGets'] = 0 self._atrs['tableStats']['colNamesAndTypes'] = self._colNamesTypes self._atrs['tableStats']['numColumns'] = len(self._colNamesTypes) for tup in self._colNamesTypes: col = tup[0] if self._vb: print(f"initAtkRes() init column '{col}'") self._atrs['col'][col] = {} # ----- Params for computing claim success rate: # total possible number of claims self._atrs['col'][col]['claimTrials'] = 0 # actual number of claims self._atrs['col'][col]['claimMade'] = 0 # number of correct claims self._atrs['col'][col]['claimCorrect'] = 0 # number of claims that produced bad SQL answer self._atrs['col'][col]['claimError'] = 0 # claims where the attacker chose to pass (not make a claim), # but where the claim would have been correct self._atrs['col'][col]['claimPassCorrect'] = 0 # ----- Params for computing confidence: # sum of all known count to full count ratios self._atrs['col'][col]['sumConfidenceRatios'] = 0 # number of such ratios self._atrs['col'][col]['numConfidenceRatios'] = 0 # average confidence ratio (division of above two params) self._atrs['col'][col]['avgConfidenceRatios'] = 0 def _initOp(self): self._op['numQueries'] = 0 self._op['timeQueries'] = 0 self._op['numCachePuts'] = 0 self._op['timeCachePuts'] = 0 self._op['numCacheGets'] = 0 self._op['timeCacheGets'] = 0 def _initCounters(self): self._exploreCounter = 0 self._knowledgeCounter = 0 self._attackCounter = 0 self._claimCounter = 0 self._guessCounter = 0 def _initUberDPSession(self): # Client establishes a session session = requests.Session() session.get_orig, session.get = session.get, functools.partial(session.get, timeout=20) # remember the session to close it if necessary self._session = session # function to initialize the session with the dp server try: # this is the initial query. # its only purpose is to obtain a session ID and to define a budget # The budget is set in the initial request only # Once the budget is set, no further modification to the budget # is possible in subsequent requests request = { 'query': "", # empty query, just serves to get a session ID 'epsilon': '0.0', # nothing used up in the initialization phase 'budget': str(self._remaining_dp_budget), # the numeric values are sent as strings 'dbname': self._p['rawDb']['dbname'], # name of the raw db 'sid': '' # When sid is Null it indicates start of a session } # the database for anonymization here is uber url = self._p['anonDb']['host'] headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} # Client stores the response sent by the response = requests.get(url, json=request, headers=headers, timeout=20, verify=True) resp = response.json() # Convert response sent by server to JSON if 'Error' in resp['Server Response']: pprint.pprint(resp) # Client prints the data returned by the server else: # if no error was encountered if self._vb: pprint.pprint("Setting up connection with Uber_DP Server") pprint.pprint(resp) # Client prints the data returned by the server # in case there is no error, but we are at the "dummy query" to get the session ID self._sid = resp['Server Response']['Session ID'] # Set Session ID to value returned by server except requests.ConnectionError as e: print("Connection Error. Make sure you are connected to Internet.") print(str(e)) except requests.Timeout as e: print("Timeout Error") print(str(e)) except requests.RequestException as e: print("General Error") print(str(e)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Program closed")
def askAttack(self, query, cache=True)
Generate and queue up an attack query for database.
is a dictionary with (currently) one value:
contains the SQL query.
is optional, and defines how much of the differential privacy budget is used for uber_dpExpand source code
def askAttack(self, query, cache=True): """ Generate and queue up an attack query for database. `query` is a dictionary with (currently) one value: <br/> `query['sql']` contains the SQL query. <br/> `query['epsilon']` is optional, and defines how much of the differential privacy budget is used for uber_dp <br/> """ self._attackCounter += 1 if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askAttack with query '{query}', count {self._attackCounter}") # Make a copy of the query for passing around qCopy = copy.copy(query) job = {} job['q'] = self._attackQ qCopy['cache'] = cache job['queries'] = [qCopy] self._anonQ.put(job)
def askClaim(self, spec, cache=True, claim=True)
Generate Claim query for raw and optionally pub databases.
Before anything happens, the system uses the
method to determine whether a previous claim fully or partially matches the new claim. Such duplicates are not allowed and an error will be raised providing additional details about the duplicate.Making a claim results in a query to the raw database, and if linkability attack, the pub database, to check the correctness of the claim. Multiple calls to this method will cause the corresponding queries to be queued up, so
returns immediately.getClaim()
harvests one claim result.
if this claim should not be applied to the confidence improvement score. In this case, the probability score will instead be reduced accordingly.
is formatted as follows:{'known':[{'col':'colName','val':'value'},...], 'guess':[{'col':'colName','val':'value'},...], }
are the columns and values the attacker already knows (i.e. with prior knowledge). Optional.
are the columns and values the attacker doesn't know, but rather is trying to predict. Mandatory for 'singling out' and 'inference'. Optional for 'linkabiblity'
Answers are cached
Returns immediatelyExpand source code
def askClaim(self, spec, cache=True, claim=True): """Generate Claim query for raw and optionally pub databases. Before anything happens, the system uses the `gdaAttack.isClaimed` method to determine whether a previous claim fully or partially matches the new claim. Such duplicates are not allowed and an error will be raised providing additional details about the duplicate. Making a claim results in a query to the raw database, and if linkability attack, the pub database, to check the correctness of the claim. Multiple calls to this method will cause the corresponding queries to be queued up, so `askClaim()` returns immediately. `getClaim()` harvests one claim result. <br/> Set `claim=False` if this claim should not be applied to the confidence improvement score. In this case, the probability score will instead be reduced accordingly. <br/> The `spec` is formatted as follows: <br/> {'known':[{'col':'colName','val':'value'},...], 'guess':[{'col':'colName','val':'value'},...], } `spec['known']` are the columns and values the attacker already knows (i.e. with prior knowledge). Optional. <br/> `spec['guess']` are the columns and values the attacker doesn't know, but rather is trying to predict. Mandatory for 'singling out' and 'inference'. Optional for 'linkabiblity' <br/> Answers are cached <br/> Returns immediately""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askClaim with spec '{spec}', count {self._claimCounter}") if not self._dupCheck.is_claimed(spec, verbose=self._vb, raise_true=True): self._dupCheck.claim(spec, verbose=self._vb) self._claimCounter += 1 sql = self._makeSqlFromSpec(spec) if self._vb: print(f"Sql is '{sql}'") sqlConfs = self._makeSqlConfFromSpec(spec) if self._vb: print(f"SqlConf is '{sqlConfs}'") # Make a copy of the query for passing around job = {} job['q'] = self._claimQ job['claim'] = claim job['queries'] = [{'sql': sql, 'cache': cache}] job['spec'] = spec for sqlConf in sqlConfs: job['queries'].append({'sql': sqlConf, 'cache': cache}) self._rawQ.put(job)
def askExplore(self, query, cache=True)
Generate and queue up an exploritory query for database
No score book-keeping is done here. An analyst may make any number of queries without impacting the GDA score.
is a dictionary with two values:
contains the SQL query.
determines which database is queried, and is one of 'rawDb', 'anonDb', or (if linkability), 'pubDb'.Expand source code
def askExplore(self, query, cache=True): """ Generate and queue up an exploritory query for database No score book-keeping is done here. An analyst may make any number of queries without impacting the GDA score. <br/> `query` is a dictionary with two values: <br/> `query['sql']` contains the SQL query. <br/> `query['db']` determines which database is queried, and is one of 'rawDb', 'anonDb', or (if linkability), 'pubDb'.""" self._exploreCounter += 1 if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askExplore with " f"query '{query}', count {self._exploreCounter}") # Make a copy of the query for passing around qCopy = copy.copy(query) job = {} job['q'] = self._exploreQ qCopy['cache'] = cache job['queries'] = [qCopy] if qCopy['db'] == 'rawDb' or qCopy['db'] == 'raw': self._rawQ.put(job) elif qCopy['db'] == 'anonDb' or qCopy['db'] == 'anon': self._anonQ.put(job) else: self._pubQ.put(job)
def askKnowledge(self, query, cache=True)
Generate and queue up a prior knowledge query for database
The class keeps track of how many prior knowledge cells were returned and uses this to compute a score.
Input parameters formatted the same as withaskAttack()
Expand source code
def askKnowledge(self, query, cache=True): """ Generate and queue up a prior knowledge query for database The class keeps track of how many prior knowledge cells were returned and uses this to compute a score. <br/> Input parameters formatted the same as with `askAttack()`""" self._knowledgeCounter += 1 if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.askKnowledge with query " f"'{query}', count {self._knowledgeCounter}") # Make a copy of the query for passing around qCopy = copy.copy(query) job = {} job['q'] = self._knowledgeQ qCopy['cache'] = cache job['queries'] = [qCopy] self._rawQ.put(job)
def cleanUp(self, cleanUpCache=True, doExit=False, exitMsg='Finished cleanUp, exiting')
Garbage collect queues, threads, and cache.
By default, this wipes the cache. The idea being that if the entire attack finished successfully, then it won't be repeated and the cache isn't needed. Do
if that isn't what you want.Expand source code
def cleanUp(self, cleanUpCache=True, doExit=False, exitMsg="Finished cleanUp, exiting"): """ Garbage collect queues, threads, and cache. By default, this wipes the cache. The idea being that if the entire attack finished successfully, then it won't be repeated and the cache isn't needed. Do `cleanUpCache=False` if that isn't what you want.""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.cleanUp") if self._rawQ.empty() != True: logging.warning("Warning, trying to clean up when raw queue not empty!") if self._anonQ.empty() != True: logging.warning("Warning, trying to clean up when anon queue not empty!") if self.cacheQueue.empty() != True: logging.warning("Warning, trying to clean up when cache queue not empty!") # Stuff in end signals for the workers (this is a bit bogus, cause # if a thread is gone or hanging, not all signals will get read) for i in range(self._p['numRawDbThreads']): self._rawQ.put(None) for i in range(self._p['numAnonDbThreads']): self._anonQ.put(None) for i in range(self.cacheQueue.qsize()): self.cacheQueue.put(None) cleanBgThreads() if len(self._p['pubDb']) > 0: if self._pubQ.empty() != True: print("Warning, trying to clean up when pub queue not empty!") for i in range(self._p['numPubDbThreads']): self._pubQ.put(None) for t in self._pubThreads: if t.isAlive(): t.stop() # t.join() if cleanUpCache: self._removeLocalCacheDB() if self._session: # close the uber session self._session.close() if doExit: sys.exit(exitMsg)
def getAnonTableCharacteristics(self, tableName='')
Returns the full contents of the table characteristics
Return value is a dict indexed by column name:
{ '<colName>': { 'av_rows_per_vals': 3.93149, 'av_uids_per_val': 0.468698, 'column_label': 'continuous', 'column_name': 'dropoff_latitude', 'column_type': 'real', 'max': '898.29382000000000', 'min': '-0.56333297000000', 'num_distinct_vals': 24216, 'num_rows': 95205, 'num_uids': 11350, 'std_rows_per_val': 10.8547, 'std_uids_per_val': 4.09688}, } }
Expand source code
def getAnonTableCharacteristics(self, tableName=''): """Returns the full contents of the table characteristics Return value is a dict indexed by column name: <br/> { '<colName>': { 'av_rows_per_vals': 3.93149, 'av_uids_per_val': 0.468698, 'column_label': 'continuous', 'column_name': 'dropoff_latitude', 'column_type': 'real', 'max': '898.29382000000000', 'min': '-0.56333297000000', 'num_distinct_vals': 24216, 'num_rows': 95205, 'num_uids': 11350, 'std_rows_per_val': 10.8547, 'std_uids_per_val': 4.09688}, } } """ if len(tableName) == 0: # caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the # class init tableName = self._p['table'] # Modify table name to the default for the characteristics table # tableName += '_char' # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['anonDb']) connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # Query it for column names sql = str(f"""select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') and table_name='{tableName}'""") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getAnonTableCharacteristics() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() # Set up return dict ret = {_row[0]: {'column_name': _row[0], 'column_type': _row[1]} for _row in ans} conn.close() return ret
def getAttack(self)
Returns the result of one askAttack() call
Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order in which results are received is not necesarily the order in which
calls were made.
is returned:
is the answer returned by the DB. The format is:
[(C1,C2...,Cn),(C1,C2...,Cn), ... (C1,C2...,Cn)]
where C1 is the first element of theSELECT
, C2 the second element, etc. This attribute does not exist in cases of query error (i.e. bad sql, budget exceeded if uber_dp, etc.)
is the number of cells returned in the answer (used bygdaAttack
to compute total attack cells)
is the query from the correspondingaskAttack()
contains the error description
contains the remaining differential privacy budget when uber_dp is used.Expand source code
def getAttack(self): """ Returns the result of one askAttack() call Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order in which results are received is not necesarily the order in which `askAttack()` calls were made. <br/> Assuming `result` is returned: <br/> `result['answer']` is the answer returned by the DB. The format is: <br/> `[(C1,C2...,Cn),(C1,C2...,Cn), ... (C1,C2...,Cn)]` <br/> where C1 is the first element of the `SELECT`, C2 the second element, etc. This attribute does not exist in cases of query error (i.e. bad sql, budget exceeded if uber_dp, etc.) <br/> `result['cells']` is the number of cells returned in the answer (used by `gdaAttack()` to compute total attack cells) <br/> `result['query']['sql']` is the query from the corresponding `askAttack()`. `result['error']` contains the error description <br/> `result['remaining_dp_budget']` contains the remaining differential privacy budget when uber_dp is used. <br/> """ if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.getAttack") if self._attackCounter == 0: # Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected # answers, but is anyway, so just return return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do', 'stillToCome': 0} job = self._attackQ.get() self._attackQ.task_done() self._attackCounter -= 1 reply = job['replies'][0] reply['stillToCome'] = self._attackCounter self._atrs['base']['attackGets'] += 1 if 'cells' in reply: if reply['cells'] == 0: self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] += 1 else: self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] += reply['cells'] else: self._atrs['base']['attackCells'] += 1 if self._type == 'uber_dp': reply['remaining_dp_budget'] = self._remaining_dp_budget return (reply)
def getAttackTableName(self)
Returns the name of the table being used in the attack.
Expand source code
def getAttackTableName(self): """Returns the name of the table being used in the attack.""" return self._p['table']
def getClaim(self)
Wait for and gather results of askClaim() calls
Returns a data structure that contains both the result of one finished claim, and the claim's input parameters. Note that the order in which results are returned by
are not necessarily the same order they were inserted byaskClaim()
is returned:
is the value supplied in the correspondingaskClaim()
is a copy of thespec
supplied in the correspondingaskClaim()
is a list of the queries generated in order to validate the claim.
are the answers to the queries inresult['queries']
is 'Correct' or 'Incorrect', depending on whether the claim satisfies the critieria or not.
is a counter showing how many more claims are still queued. WhenstillToCome
is 0, then all claims submitted byaskClaim()
have been returned.Expand source code
def getClaim(self): """ Wait for and gather results of askClaim() calls Returns a data structure that contains both the result of one finished claim, and the claim's input parameters. Note that the order in which results are returned by `getClaim()` are not necessarily the same order they were inserted by `askClaim()`. <br/> Assuming `result` is returned: <br/> `result['claim']` is the value supplied in the corresponding `askClaim()` call <br/> `result['spec']` is a copy of the `spec` supplied in the corresponding `askClaim()` call. <br/> `result['queries']` is a list of the queries generated in order to validate the claim. <br/> `result['answers']` are the answers to the queries in `result['queries']`. <br/> `result['claimResult']` is 'Correct' or 'Incorrect', depending on whether the claim satisfies the critieria or not. <br/> `result['stillToCome']` is a counter showing how many more claims are still queued. When `stillToCome` is 0, then all claims submitted by `askClaim()` have been returned.""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.getClaim") if self._claimCounter == 0: # Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected # answers, but is anyway, so just return return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do', 'stillToCome': 0, 'claimResult': 'Error'} job = self._claimQ.get() claim = job['claim'] self._claimQ.task_done() self._claimCounter -= 1 job['stillToCome'] = self._claimCounter self._addToAtkRes('claimTrials', job['spec'], 1) # The claim is tested against the first reply reply = job['replies'][0] job['claimResult'] = 'Wrong' if claim: self._addToAtkRes('claimMade', job['spec'], 1) if 'error' in reply: self._addToAtkRes('claimError', job['spec'], 1) job['claimResult'] = 'Error' else: if self._cr == 'singlingOut': claimIsCorrect = self._checkSinglingOut(reply['answer']) elif self._cr == 'inference': claimIsCorrect = self._checkInference(reply['answer']) elif self._cr == 'linkability': claimIsCorrect = self._checkLinkability(reply['answer']) if claim == 1 and claimIsCorrect: self._addToAtkRes('claimCorrect', job['spec'], 1) job['claimResult'] = 'Correct' elif claim == 0 and claimIsCorrect: self._addToAtkRes('claimPassCorrect', job['spec'], 1) job['claimResult'] = 'Correct' if self._cr == 'singlingOut' or self._cr == 'inference': # Then measure confidence against the second and third replies if 'answer' in job['replies'][1]: if job['replies'][1]['answer']: guessedRows = job['replies'][1]['answer'][0][0] else: guessedRows = 0 elif 'error' in job['replies'][1]: self._pp.pprint(job) print(f"Error: conf query:\n{job['replies'][1]['error']}") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if 'answer' in job['replies'][2]: if job['replies'][2]['answer']: totalRows = job['replies'][2]['answer'][0][0] else: totalRows = 0 elif 'error' in job['replies'][2]: self._pp.pprint(job) print(f"Error: conf query:\n{job['replies'][2]['error']}") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if totalRows: self._addToAtkRes('sumConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], guessedRows / totalRows) self._addToAtkRes('numConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], 1) self._atrs['tableStats']['totalRows'] = totalRows else: # For linkability, the confidence is always 1/2 self._addToAtkRes('sumConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], 0.5) self._addToAtkRes('numConfidenceRatios', job['spec'], 1) if 'q' in job: del job['q'] return (job)
def getColNames(self, dbType='rawDb', tableName='')
Return simple list of column names
is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb'Expand source code
def getColNames(self, dbType='rawDb', tableName=''): """Return simple list of column names `dbType` is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb'""" if len(tableName) == 0: colsAndTypes = self.getColNamesAndTypes(dbType=dbType) else: colsAndTypes = self.getColNamesAndTypes( dbType=dbType, tableName=tableName) if not colsAndTypes: return None cols = [] for tup in colsAndTypes: cols.append(tup[0]) return cols
def getColNamesAndTypes(self, dbType='rawDb', tableName='')
Return raw database column names and types (or None if error)
dbType is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb'
return format: [(col,type),(col,type),…]Expand source code
def getColNamesAndTypes(self, dbType='rawDb', tableName=''): """Return raw database column names and types (or None if error) dbType is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb' <br/> return format: [(col,type),(col,type),...]""" if len(tableName) == 0: # caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the # class init tableName = self._p['table'] # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p[dbType]) if db['type'] != 'postgres' and db['type'] != 'aircloak': print(f"DB type '{db['type']}' must be 'postgres' or 'aircloak'") return None connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # Query it for column names if db['type'] == 'postgres': sql = str(f"""select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name='{tableName}'""") elif db['type'] == 'aircloak': sql = str(f"show columns from {tableName}") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getColNamesAndTypes() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() ret = [] for row in ans: ret.append((row[0], row[1])) conn.close() return ret
def getExplore(self)
Wait for and gather results of prior askExplore() calls.
Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order in which results are received is not necesarily the order in which
calls were made.
Return parameter formatted the same as withgetAttack()
Expand source code
def getExplore(self): """ Wait for and gather results of prior askExplore() calls. Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order in which results are received is not necesarily the order in which `askExplore()` calls were made. <br/> Return parameter formatted the same as with `getAttack()`""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.getExplore") if self._exploreCounter == 0: # Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected # answers, but is anyway, so just return return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do', 'stillToCome': 0} job = self._exploreQ.get() self._exploreQ.task_done() self._exploreCounter -= 1 reply = job['replies'][0] reply['stillToCome'] = self._exploreCounter return (reply)
def getKnowledge(self)
Wait for and gather results of prior askKnowledge() calls
Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order in which results are received is not necesarily the order in which
calls were made.
Return parameter formatted the same as withgetAttack()
Expand source code
def getKnowledge(self): """ Wait for and gather results of prior askKnowledge() calls Blocks until the result is available. Note that the order in which results are received is not necesarily the order in which `askKnowledge()` calls were made. <br/> Return parameter formatted the same as with `getAttack()`""" if self._vb: print(f"Calling {__name__}.getKnowledge") if self._knowledgeCounter == 0: # Caller shouldn't be calling if there are no expected # answers, but is anyway, so just return return {'query': {'sql': 'None'}, 'error': 'Nothing to do', 'stillToCome': 0} job = self._knowledgeQ.get() self._knowledgeQ.task_done() self._knowledgeCounter -= 1 reply = job['replies'][0] reply['stillToCome'] = self._knowledgeCounter self._atrs['base']['knowledgeGets'] += 1 if 'cells' in reply: self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += reply['cells'] return (reply)
def getOpParameters(self)
Returns a variety of performance measurements.
Useful for debugging.
Expand source code
def getOpParameters(self): """ Returns a variety of performance measurements. Useful for debugging.""" self._op['avQueryDuration'] = 0 if self._op['numQueries'] > 0: self._op['avQueryDuration'] = ( self._op['timeQueries'] / self._op['numQueries']) self._op['avCachePutDuration'] = 0 if self._op['numCachePuts'] > 0: self._op['avCachePutDuration'] = ( self._op['timeCachePuts'] / self._op['numCachePuts']) self._op['avCacheGetDuration'] = 0 if self._op['numCacheGets'] > 0: self._op['avCacheGetDuration'] = ( self._op['timeCacheGets'] / self._op['numCacheGets']) return self._op
def getPriorKnowledge(self, dataColumns, method, fraction=None, count=None, selectColumn=None, colRange=[None, None], values=[None])
Returns data from the rawDB according to a specification
This mimics external knowledge that an attacker may have about the data, and influences the 'knowledge' part of the GDA Score.
is a list of column names. The data for these columns is returned
can be 'rows' or 'users'. If 'rows', then rows are selected according to the criteria (fraction
, orvalues
). If 'users', then all rows for a set of selected users is returned. The users are selected according to the criteria (fraction
If none of the criteria are set, or iffraction
is set to 1.0, then all rows are returned (for the selected column values) One offraction
, orselectColumn
must be set.
are set to obtain a random set of rows or users. Iffraction
, then an approximate fraction of all rows/users is selected.fraction
is a value between 0 and 1.0. Ifcount
, then exactlycount
random rows/users are selected.
is set to select rows according to the values of the specified column.selectColumn
is a column name. If set, then either a range of values (colRange
), or a set of values (values
) must be chosen.
is a list with two values:[min,max]
. This selects all values between min and max inclusive.
is a list of one or more values of any type. This selects all values matching those in the list.
The return value is a list in this format:
[(C1,C2...,Cn),(C1,C2...,Cn), ... (C1,C2...,Cn)]
where C1 corresponds to the first column indataColumns
, C2 corresponds to the second column indataColumns
, and so on.Expand source code
def getPriorKnowledge(self, dataColumns, method, fraction=None, count=None, selectColumn=None, colRange=[None,None], values=[None]): """ Returns data from the rawDB according to a specification This mimics external knowledge that an attacker may have about the data, and influences the 'knowledge' part of the GDA Score. <br/> `dataColumns` is a list of column names. The data for these columns is returned <br/> `method` can be 'rows' or 'users'. If 'rows', then rows are selected according to the criteria (`fraction`, `count`, `selectColumn`, `colRange`, or `values`). If 'users', then all rows for a set of selected users is returned. The users are selected according to the criteria (`fraction` or `count`) <br/> If none of the criteria are set, or if `fraction` is set to 1.0, then all rows are returned (for the selected column values) One of `fraction`, `count`, or `selectColumn` must be set. <br/> `fraction` or `count` are set to obtain a random set of rows or users. If `fraction`, then an approximate fraction of all rows/users is selected. `fraction` is a value between 0 and 1.0. If `count`, then exactly `count` random rows/users are selected. <br/> `selectColumn` is set to select rows according to the values of the specified column. `selectColumn` is a column name. If set, then either a range of values (`colRange`), or a set of values (`values`) must be chosen. <br/> `colRange` is a list with two values: `[min,max]`. This selects all values between min and max inclusive. <br/> `values` is a list of one or more values of any type. This selects all values matching those in the list. <br/> The return value is a list in this format: <br/> `[(C1,C2...,Cn),(C1,C2...,Cn), ... (C1,C2...,Cn)]` <br/> where C1 corresponds to the first column in `dataColumns`, C2 corresponds to the second column in `dataColumns`, and so on. <br/> """ # Check input parameters if not isinstance(dataColumns, list): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: dataColumns must be a list of one or more column names") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if method not in ['rows','users']: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: method must be 'rows' or 'users'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if fraction is None and count is None and selectColumn is None: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: one of fraction, count, or selectColumn must be set") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if fraction and not isinstance(fraction, float): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: if set, fraction must be a float") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if (fraction and (count or selectColumn)) or (count and (fraction or selectColumn)): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: only one of fraction, count, or selectColumn may be set") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if count and not isinstance(count, int): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: if set, count must be an integer") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if selectColumn: if selectColumn not in self._colNames: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: selectColumn '{selectColumn}' is not a valid column") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if colRange == [None,None] and values == [None]: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: if selectColumn is set, one of colRange or values must be set") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if not isinstance(colRange, list): print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: colRange must be a list with two values") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) if not (isinstance(values, list) or isinstance(values, tuple)) or len(values) == 0: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: values must be a list or tuple with one or more values") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) for col in dataColumns: if col not in self._colNames: print(f"getPriorKnowledge Error: column '{col}' is not a valid column") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) # Basic input checks finished # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb']) connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() table = self._p['table'] uid = self._p['uid'] # Make the SELECT part of the SQL query initSql = 'SELECT ' for col in dataColumns: initSql += str(f"{col}, ") initSql = initSql[0:-2] if method == 'rows' and fraction: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE random() <= {fraction}") ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'users' and fraction: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {uid} IN ") sql += str(f"(SELECT {uid} from (SELECT DISTINCT {uid} FROM {table}) t WHERE random() < {fraction})") ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'rows' and colRange[0] is not None: for pair in self._colNamesTypes: if selectColumn in pair[0]: colType = pair[1] break if 'text' in colType or 'char' in colType or 'date' in colType or 'time' in colType: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {selectColumn} >= '{colRange[0]}' and {selectColumn} <= '{colRange[1]}'") else: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {selectColumn} >= {colRange[0]} and {selectColumn} <= {colRange[1]}") ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'rows' and values[0] is not None: sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {selectColumn} IN (") for pair in self._colNamesTypes: if selectColumn in pair[0]: colType = pair[1] break for value in values: if "text" in colType or "date" in colType or "time" in colType: sql += str(f"'{value}', ") else: sql += str(f"{value}, ") sql = sql[0:-2] sql += ")" ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'rows' and count: # need to know the total number of rows sql = str(f"select count(*) from {table}") ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) numRows = ans[0][0] # next we get some random set of rows that is certainly more than we need frac = (count/numRows)*2 sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE random() <= {frac}") temp = self._doQuery(cur,sql) # next we scramble these so that we get a random sampling from the random sampling random.shuffle(temp) # finally pick the exact count ans = temp[0:count] self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) if method == 'users' and count: # get the full list of distinct UIDs sql = str(f"SELECT DISTINCT {uid} from {table}") uidList = self._doQuery(cur,sql) # next we scramble these so that we can get a random sampling random.shuffle(uidList) # pick the exact count of UIDs uidList = uidList[0:count] sql = initSql + str(f" FROM {table} WHERE {uid} IN (") for pair in self._colNamesTypes: if uid in pair[0]: colType = pair[1] break for uidVal in uidList: if "text" in colType or "date" in colType or "time" in colType: sql += str(f"'{uidVal[0]}', ") else: sql += str(f"{uidVal[0]}, ") sql = sql[0:-2] sql += ")" ans = self._doQuery(cur,sql) self._atrs['base']['knowledgeCells'] += len(dataColumns) * len(ans) return(ans) #zzzz return None
def getPublicColValues(self, colName, tableName='')
Return list of "publicly known" column values and counts
Column value has index 0, count of distinct UIDs has index 1 Must specify column name.
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def getPublicColValues(self, colName, tableName=''): """Return list of "publicly known" column values and counts Column value has index 0, count of distinct UIDs has index 1 Must specify column name. """ if len(colName) == 0: print(f"Must specify column 'colName'") return None if len(tableName) == 0: # caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the # class init tableName = self._p['table'] # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb']) connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # First we need to know the total number of distinct users sql = str(f"""select count(distinct {self._p['uid']}) from {tableName}""") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getPublicColValues() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() numUid = ans[0][0] # Query the raw db for values in the column sql = str(f"""select {colName}, count(distinct {self._p['uid']}) from {tableName} group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 200""") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getPublicColValues() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() ret = [] for row in ans: # row[0] is the value, row[1] is the count if (((row[1] / numUid) > 0.002) and (row[1] >= 50)): ret.append((row[0], row[1])) conn.close() return ret
def getResults(self)
Returns all of the compiled attack results.
This can be input to class
and methodgdaScores.addResult()
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def getResults(self): """ Returns all of the compiled attack results. This can be input to class `gdaScores()` and method `gdaScores.addResult()`.""" # Add the operational parameters self._atrs['operational'] = self.getOpParameters() self._cleanPasswords() return self._atrs
def getTableCharacteristics(self, tableName='')
Returns the full contents of the table characteristics
Return value is a dict indexed by column name:
{ '<colName>': { 'av_rows_per_vals': 3.93149, 'av_uids_per_val': 0.468698, 'column_label': 'continuous', 'column_name': 'dropoff_latitude', 'column_type': 'real', 'max': '898.29382000000000', 'min': '-0.56333297000000', 'num_distinct_vals': 24216, 'num_rows': 95205, 'num_uids': 11350, 'std_rows_per_val': 10.8547, 'std_uids_per_val': 4.09688}, } }
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def getTableCharacteristics(self, tableName=''): """Returns the full contents of the table characteristics Return value is a dict indexed by column name: <br/> { '<colName>': { 'av_rows_per_vals': 3.93149, 'av_uids_per_val': 0.468698, 'column_label': 'continuous', 'column_name': 'dropoff_latitude', 'column_type': 'real', 'max': '898.29382000000000', 'min': '-0.56333297000000', 'num_distinct_vals': 24216, 'num_rows': 95205, 'num_uids': 11350, 'std_rows_per_val': 10.8547, 'std_uids_per_val': 4.09688}, } } """ if len(tableName) == 0: # caller didn't supply a table name, so get it from the # class init tableName = self._p['table'] # Modify table name to the default for the characteristics table tableName += '_char' # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p['rawDb']) connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # Set up return dict ret = {} # Query it for column names sql = str(f"""select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name='{tableName}'""") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getTableCharacteristics() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) cols = cur.fetchall() # Make index for column name (should be 0, but just to be sure) for colNameIndex in range(len(cols)): if cols[colNameIndex][0] == 'column_name': break # Query it for table contents sql = str(f"SELECT * FROM {tableName}") try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getTableCharacteristics() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() for row in ans: colName = row[colNameIndex] ret[colName] = {} for i in range(len(row)): ret[colName][cols[i][0]] = row[i] conn.close() return ret
def getTableNames(self, dbType='rawDb')
Return database table names
dbType is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb'
Table names returned as list, unless error then return NoneExpand source code
def getTableNames(self, dbType='rawDb'): """Return database table names dbType is one of 'rawDb' or 'anonDb' <br/> Table names returned as list, unless error then return None""" # Establish connection to database db = getDatabaseInfo(self._p[dbType]) if db['type'] != 'postgres' and db['type'] != 'aircloak': print(f"DB type '{db['type']}' must be 'postgres' or 'aircloak'") return None connStr = str( f"host={db['host']} port={db['port']} dbname={db['dbname']} user={db['user']} password={db['password']}") conn = psycopg2.connect(connStr) cur = conn.cursor() # Query it for column names if db['type'] == 'postgres': sql = """SELECT tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND schemaname != 'information_schema'""" elif db['type'] == 'aircloak': sql = "show tables" try: cur.execute(sql) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(f"Error: getTableNames() query: '{e}'") self.cleanUp(cleanUpCache=False, doExit=True) ans = cur.fetchall() ret = [] for row in ans: ret.append(row[0]) conn.close() return ret
def getUidColName(self)
Returns the name of the UID column
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def getUidColName(self): """ Returns the name of the UID column""" return self._p['uid']
def isClaimed(self, spec)
Check if a claim was already fully or partially made.
is formatted identical to thespec
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def isClaimed(self, spec): """Check if a claim was already fully or partially made. The `spec` is formatted identical to the `spec` in `gdaAttack.askClaim`.""" return self._dupCheck.is_claimed(spec, verbose=self._vb)
def putCacheWrapper(self, conn, cur, query, reply)
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def putCacheWrapper(self, conn, cur, query, reply): self._putCache(conn, cur, query, reply)
def removeLocalCacheDBWrapper(self)
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def removeLocalCacheDBWrapper(self): return self._removeLocalCacheDB()
def setVerbose(self)
Sets Verbose to True
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def setVerbose(self): """Sets Verbose to True""" self._vb = True
def unsetVerbose(self)
Sets Verbose to False
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def unsetVerbose(self): """Sets Verbose to False""" self._vb = False